Are there any Latin-English Hand Missals for the Novus Ordo?
  • Jamie
    Posts: 40
    This question sprang to my mind this morning. The only one I can think of is the Gregorian Missal, which is great, but only for Sundays.

    Is this the only Latin/English side-by-side Missal for the Novus Ordo Missae? Are there more? Just thought people on here would be in the know. Thanks.
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    The MTF Daily Roman Missal has the Order of Mass side-by-side Latin/English, as well as some of the propers (not the orations, readings, nor prefaces) in Latin/English.

    I believe the text of the Latin 2002 Missale Romanum is available online. So for special situations, it should be possible to create your own worship aid in this manner.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I've thumbed through that at a bookstore before. Seems pretty nice for the ordinary. Had responses in neumes as well.
  • Look for the Saint Paul Daily Missal in a web search.
  • Look for the Saint Paul Daily Missal in a web search.

    I like that one a lot (clear, attractive layout), but it's all English as far as I can tell.
  • My bad. I confused the Saint Paul Daily Missal with this.
    Daily Roman Missal,
    7th Ed., Large Print, Hardcover
    with Devotions and Prayers

    Author: James Socias
    Binding: Hardcover
    Size: 5.75 x 8.25
    ISBN: 978-1-936045-77-8
    Thanked by 1ScottKChicago
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    That's the one I was describing. :)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    It would be possible to produce a full Latin-English edition for the Sunday Masses. The St. Paul Sunday Missal (English only) is fairly compact (2cm), so if one were to double it in size, it would be 4 cm thick, perhaps. That would come in smaller than the OSV Daily Roman Missal from Fr. Socias, which is 5 cm thick, in part since it contains 200 pages of devotions in addition to the liturgical texts.

    I'd like to see the publisher Collins get back into the US market for hand missals; they produced an attractive one in the '70s ("New American Sunday Missal") and have continued to make books for the UK market.

    Can anyone comment on whether a Latin-English hand missal exists in the UK?
  • Ignoto
    Posts: 126
    Are you referring to this one from the Catholic Truth Society?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    I'm asking; I'm quite unfamiliar with what's available.
  • Jamie
    Posts: 40
    The Closest we'll get here in the UK to a Latin/English Missal in the Novus Ordo is probably that Missal that Paul mentioned, the Daily Roman Missal from James Scocias, which is on Amazon for under £56.

    A friend of mine hopes to have a Daily Latin Mass in the Ordinary Form at 7.20AM, and it would be a Low Mass, but Father said he would like to know if there are any Latin/English Missals out there first, although he knows a normal Missal would work fine. After all, he has Gregorian Missals in the Pews for Sunday Latin Mass, which have the Ordinary of Mass in Latin and English at least.

    Maybe I should tell him about that Daily Roman Missal by Scocias, he can make it available in the Parish Stall.

    Thanks for the help, and if anyone comes across something, let us know!
  • The Socias Daily Roman Missal (the edition from before the latest Roman Missal revision) is on the celebrant's lectern in our Anglo-Catholic parish. Typically on a feast day such as that of an apostle, or Holy Cross Day, the celebrant at Low Mass will read the entrance and communion antiphons at the appropriate times, use the collect of the day (if different from our Book of Common Prayer one) as the concluding collect of the Prayers of the People, and sometimes use the psalm refrain before and after our unison recitation of the psalm, and sometimes the alleluia verse as given.

    I think we should update to the easier-to-read St. Paul's Daily Missal, but I'm not a celebrant. Anyway, I don't think I've ever heard of another Episcopal parish using so much of the Roman Missal. (We also use the [former] Roman Missal's offertory prayers.) On ferias and lesser feasts the Daily Roman Missal isn't used, although it could be.

    I realize that some Anglo-Catholic parishes in the U.K. use the whole Roman Missal rite instead of the BCP or Common Worship one. I've never heard of a USA parish doing so. We just mine it for enrichments.
  • Jamie
    Posts: 40
    FYI, I believe the only reason the Anglo-Catholics are using the Novus Ordo at the moment is because they are still awaiting approval of their revised Book of Divine Worship. They can use the American One, but apparently it's not the same as the most original one, from England, which the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walshingham intend to use.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    I thought Scott was not referring to former Anglicans, but to Catholic-minded members of the Anglican church; some of them in the UK are said to follow the modern Roman Rite rather than the BCP.
    Thanked by 1ScottKChicago
  • I thought Scott was not referring to former Anglicans, but to Catholic-minded members of the Anglican church; some of them in the UK are said to follow the modern Roman Rite rather than the BCP.

    Exactly. During my first visit to London, a friend took me to the midday Low Mass at St. Alban's, Holborn (Anglican/Church of England), the parish pictured in photo plates in the liturgical manual Ritual Notes, which was like a Fortescue for the English Missal. By the end of the penitential rite I was looking sideways at my friend with a quizzical look. He nodded and said, "Yep, Roman Missal." I was amazed that a Church of England parish would use the entire Roman Rite Mass; he then educated me on its widespread use among Anglo-Catholic parishes in the C of E. They did have the Book of Common Prayer in the pew racks, used mainly for Morning and Evening Prayer.
  • Ignoto
    Posts: 126
    Can anyone comment on whether a Latin-English hand missal exists in the UK?

    benedictgal mentioned this earlier:

    •Parallel Latin texts alongside the English for the Order of Mass and the priest's prayers
    But please note: Mass readings are from the current Lectionary (Jerusalem Bible - not suitable for USA)

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    The priest's prayers: including the collects? Or just those in the Mass Ordinary?