New schola - prayer request
  • I am a member of a newly organized chant schola at Holy Family parish in Dale City, VA. This coming Sunday (26th OT) we will be singing for the first time. We will be doing Latin chants for the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus/Benedictus, and the proper Introit, Offertory and Communion. At this time we are singing just one Sunday a month, and really that is all we can manage at our present level of skill. Your prayers for us would be very much appreciated.

    It has been forty years since I last sang Gregorian chant, and I really had abandoned all hope of even hearing it in a local parish, let along of singing it again.
  • Congratulations, and may St. Cecilia, protectoress of musicians and all holy canticles be with you and your schola!
  • wow, magnificent! prayers all around.
  • Many prayers of thanksgiving for your work. I have been forty years in the desert with you. For Forty years the music at Mass has been a genuine means for me to unite closely with the passion and sufferings of our Lord.
    Yet in the last eight years we have been slowly introducing chants: The sequences became the mandatory mile markers of the liturgical year, Then the Salve Regina, and Regina Coeli after Mass became routine. When WLP provided the Gloria VIII: well you know what we did! The demand for Taize meditaion services gave us support for Latin and soon the Latin Taize refrains were replaced with antiphons from the Gradual. We are all amazed with the Gradual's intellectual content, its beauty and surprise. It seem as if we have climbed high on a scaffold in our own church and discovered under the layers of white paint, a beautiful mural. The complexity of the few Gradual chants that we have learned demanded that we grow in understanding of rythymic groupings and the ictus.This week the choir would not sing t even a simple antiphon unless we reviewed the double and triple rhythmic groupings - marking the ictic notes!
    Most of all were having fun doing this.
    This coming Sunday, as we are hosting a regional St. Wenceslas Day celebration, we were asked to sing something during Mass in Czech.Though no one in our parish speaks Czech the liturgists had a very positive disposition toward singing in a very foreign language. I could not help expanding the liturgists' positive attitude toward Czech by suggesting that not only will we do Czech, but Latin too. And my suggestion landed well . The Mass will be celebrated by one of our bishops, and ALL but two pieces will be chant ! One non-chant piece is "O God, Beyond All Praising".
    We are thankful to this website and I am greatly encouraged (and not intimidated) by the absence of an elitist attitude, especially among so many scholars. Saint John Nepomucene- Pray for us.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    I have a new schola. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience.
    Mia Coyne
  • Ralph - It's great to hear from you. I'm glad to see you found this forum. It's been a long time since we worked and played together in the same church; It's great to hear what you are planning "just up the freeway". I wish you the best of luck. I am making similar endeavors in my current position, with some successes and some setbacks.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    This is all such wonderful news/
    Prayers for you and your schola, Vicki.
    And Ralph, prayers and thanks for that wonderful story of patient love.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Today at OF Mass we sang Mass viii, a solemn tone Alleluia verse, a Chabanel psalm, and the communion antiphon and verses in tone iv from the gradual in English. Our guest celebrant Bishop Gries then surprised us all by chanting the entire dismissal and blessing rite in Latin. It was a Joy to have actually created spontaneous musical dialogue with the celebrant and to be ready to respond.
  • Chris
    Posts: 80
    Congratulations, Vicky! That's really great. We've just started a new schola in my parish, too. Let's pray for each other!
  • I certainly will pray for your schola, Chris, and would very much welcome your continued prayers for ours.
  • As a followup to my original post:

    We sang for the 10:30 Mass yesterday morning, and I think it went very well. I did not see anyone from the congregation walk out. :) At the conclusion of the homily, a man who was in a pew very close to us rushed over to tell us he loved what we were doing. On behalf of the schola and director, thank you to all who prayed for us.

    Here is what we did:

    Introit: In nomine domini
    Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Orbis Factor
    Gloria: de Angelis
    Offertory: Super flumina (my favorite, so far)
    Communion: Jesu dulcis memoria, followed by Memento verbi tui with psalm verses from the Communio book
    Conclusion: Salve regina

    The responsorial psalm and alleluia were in English from whatever big publisher the parish has been using - the chant propers were more than we could learn this time.