Msgr. Schuler says the Introduction had to be withdrawn. Anybody have it?
  • I asked a question here but got no response.

    Can anybody help?

    It is regarding Msgr. Schuler's statement:

    It is true also that the introduction to the first edition of the missal of Pope Paul VI had to be withdrawn because it so poorly expressed the true nature of the Mass as a sacramental sacrifice.

  • Ruth Lapeyre
    Posts: 341
    Printed out the article Paul and will bring it to my pastor, he may know what Msgr. Schuler is speak of, have you tried Fr. Z?
    Posts: 324

    I believe that Mons. Schuler refers to a change in the preliminary part of the Pauline Missal: from memory, a reference to sacrifice was added to the section that describes the Mass as a sacred Synaxis

    The Lord’s Supper, or Mass, is a sacred synaxis, or assembly of the people of God gathered together under the presidency of the priest to celebrate the memorial of the Lord. (Pope Paul VI, Institutio Generalis, §7, 1969 version)

    That how it read before it was improved.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • MHI,

    I apologize if I have missed something. I was just wondering if there are two (2) PDF documents. One from the First Edition, and one following it. Again, sorry if I am missing something. Thanks for the clues!
    Posts: 324
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    If I remember right, some revisions to the draft text were made to address the questions raised by the "Ottaviani intervention".
    Thanked by 1Paul_Onnonhoaraton
  • I think Msgr. Schuler was referring to the 1969 Institutio generalis, which appeared prior to the publication of the Missal itself. When the Missal was published in 1970 a number of changes were made to the General Instruction. This is covered in some detail in The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 1969-2002: A Commentary by Dennis C. Smolarski, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 2003. It's available for purchase as an e-book. If you would like a copy of the Latin text of the '69 instruction I can email it to you (the file is too big to attach here).
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    In addition to what Pedro says, those with access to ICEL's Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979:Conciliar, Papal, and Curial Texts may also wish to consult documents 202-207, especially documents 203 and 205.

    Document 205 is: Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship [CDW], Presentation Edita Instructione of the changes introduced into the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, May 1970. In it the Congregation notes that, soon after its publication in 1969, the first edition of the GIRM "became the object of many different doctrinal and rubrical comments." The CDW admits that there have been some rubrical inconsistencies discovered in the various chapters of the GIRM. It denies that there are doctrinal errors. But it concludes: "But to overcome problems of any kind and to clarify some of the language of the General Instruction, the decision was made on the occasion of the editio typica of the new Roman Missal to supplement or rewrite the text of the General Instruction in some places. Nothing, however, has been completely revised and therefore the numbering of paragraphs remains the same as in the first edition.

    So that's how the second edition of the GIRM found its way into the (first) typical edition of the Missale Romanum, 26 March 1970. (References to the revised Missal of Paul VI often give 1969 as the date of publication. That is not correct. Only the Ordo Missae, the Order of Mass, appeared - in two printings - in 1969.)

    The third edition of the GIRM was published on 23 December 1972, after the subdiaconate had been suppressed. That is the version of the GIRM that appeared in the USA's first English-language sacramentary.

    The fourth edition of the GIRM was published on 27 March 1975 and was included in second typical edition (editio typica altera) of the Missale Romanum. That is the only edition of the GIRM reprinted in Document on the Liturgy. However, various changes made between the first and fourth editions are noted in footnotes.

    The fourth edition of the GIRM, along with a few additional variations in the rubrics of the Mass occasioned by the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law in 1983, was included in the USA's revised English-language sacramentary (1985).
    Posts: 324
    For PDF of Institutio generalis Missalis Romani, original 1969 version:
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Ruth Lapeyre
    Posts: 341
    Hi Paul,

    Chonak said:If I remember right, some revisions to the draft text were made to address the questions raised by the "Ottaviani intervention".

    You can find the Cardinal's letter to Paul VI here: