Communio - Tollite hostias
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    Tollite hostias is called for on: the 24th Sunday in Ordinal Time (unless celebrating the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) and also on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost.

    It is identified as being in Mode IV but has been transposed to end on a ti rather than mi. This does avoid using a te for the low notes on "mi-num" of "Dominum".

    What's wrong with replacing the Doh clef with a Fah clef and using the B flat for the word "Dominum"? This would make the chant end on mi as a Mode IV chant should end.
  • These kinds of posts are tricky because you have to actually spend time with the chant and provide an informed answer, but I can't do this now, and I'm happy to report that the Winter issue of Sacred Music has a HUGE piece on this one proper, and it seems to answer every question about it that could ever be raised, ever.
  • bcb
    Posts: 36
    Since we're back around to this chant, and I wasn't a member of the CMAA back then, can anyone clue me in to the necessary parts from the article? I'm most interested in where I should be reciting the verses--down on la seems to work, but the clef indication seems to be up on mi in the latin verse version, and it's certainly up on mi in the english verse version.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    bcb, you should be able to find it in the archives:
  • bcb
    Posts: 36
    I checked the archives, and the Winter 2008 issue doesn't seem to have the article Jeffrey mentioned. Does anyone know if it appeared in a different issue?
  • bcb
    Posts: 36
    I found JMO's answer elsewhere in the forums:
  • All I know is that this is one tricky communion.

    I'm sorry to say that I don't know if this article actually appeared or not. I recall spending a great deal of time with it. Apparently it is one that the Solesmes monks sort of pounded into existence in its present form.