Confirmation Music
  • I just returned from my niece's confirmation (138 confirmandi) and am so upset about the music, I wanted to vent here. The entire church had a party atmosphere with the parish Praise and Worship band. It was so entirely inappropriate, especially for a major sacrament. Not one note of Veni Sancte Spiritus. My heart is very sad.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    I feel your pain.
    It could have been worse.
    It could have been at your parish, and to keep your job you would have been forced to arrange it all thusly.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
    Thanked by 3marajoy Earl_Grey Ally
  • I encountered a similar problem when I played/directed my first Confirmation in current parish. They showed me a program from the previous year's Mass, which had SOME P&W, including the dreaded "Go Make A Difference". My solution was simple: I made changes to the list as I saw fit (though, to be fair, I was given pretty much all the leeway I wanted). I threw out the P&W (save for one piece, "Holy Spirit" by Ken Canedo, as I don't so much mind that one), added in some Lucien Deiss and Veni Creator Spiritus, and some other hymnody here and there.
  • fp
    Posts: 63
    "We are many parts", "Sanctuary"....."that's what the kids like, it's soo emooootional" said the pianist in charge.......while she was helping the confirmandi pick the tunes! (yep...not even the "hymns"...just the tunes), "because we pray with our emooootions......"...and so far there's no way to derail that train!
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    At my current parish (and throughout the Diocese of Phoenix), Confirmation is celebrated at the same time as First Communion. Were I anywhere else, I'd have to ask myself, "do I program hymns about First Communion or hymns about the Holy Spirit?" Luckily I'm not somewhere else and can just program the propers from the Mass.
    Thanked by 2Ben canadash
  • Matthew--seems that would be no different that programming music for Easter Vigil....Veni Sancte Spiritus during Confirmation and any Eucharistic hymn during Communion, although, of course, the propers would be the best (in Latin)