TTBB Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis?
  • FrDuncan
    Posts: 11
    Does anyone have any TTBB versions of the Vespers/Evensong Canticles in either Latin or English? Could be either all polyphony or fauxbourdon. Thanks.
  • Not sure it suits your needs, but this is my favorite.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,204
    Here are my (English) Nunc dimittis and its associated antiphon (for Compline) "Preserve us, O Lord" settings, transposed from the original ATBarB to TTBarB.

    The Nunc dimittis was originally composed in 2011 for the Jeffrey Reynolds and his (ATBarB) Trinity Compline Choir. The associated antiphon "Preserve us, O Lord" was composed at the same time as a Valentine's present for my wife. An alternative Latin arrangement "Salva nos" of the antiphon is also available.
    Giffen-Nunc dimittis-TTBB.pdf
    Giffen-Nunc dimittis-TTBB-acc.pdf
    Giffen-Nunc dimittis-TTBB.mp3
    Giffen-Preserve us, O Lord-TTBB.pdf
    Giffen-Preserve us, O Lord-TTBB.mp3