Holy Week Rubrics?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Received a memo from the Diocesan worship office with reminders about changes in the rubrics for Holy Week in the new Missal. Of course nothing is new this year, but a few things jumped out at me.

    “After the Epistle…the Priest solemnly intones the Alleluia three times,
    raising his voice by a step each time, with all repeating it. If necessary, the
    psalmist intones the Alleluia.” (The traditional melismatic chant setting is
    provided.) “Then the psalmist or cantor proclaims Psalm 118 with the
    people responding Alleluia.” The former Sacramentary had similar
    directions, but the chant notation was not provided, and there was no
    mention of the alleluia being sung three times, each starting on a higher

    Does this mean that the Alleluia should be sung 3 times before the first verse of the psalm with all singing on the 2nd and 3rd repetition despite the modulating pitch, or (more likely, I think) that it is sung 6 times before the psalm begins--intonation and response in each key? I would assume then that the pitch remains constant for the chanting of the psalm with the alleluia response once after each verse. Should the pitch be raised literally by one tone or a semitone each time? I confess I missed this one last year and just sang it straight through as a responsorial psalm with only one repetition of the Alleluia before verse 1. With 3 psalm verses that would make for a total of 9 Alleluias which seems to make sense! I suppose one could simply begin each psalm verse in a progressively higher key, but that doesn't seem to be what it indicated.

    On a related issue: Raising the pitch of "Behold the wood of the cross" on Good Friday and "Christ our Light" during the entrance procession for the vigil is not indicated in the new Missal as it was in the Sacramentary. Does this mean it shouldn't be done? Is there any historical precedence for this practice?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    The plot thickens as I continue to read...

    Regarding the reception of the Holy Oils after the Crism Mass. The Missal clearly states (emphasis added):

    15: The reception of the Holy Oils may take place in individual
    parishes either before the celebration of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s
    Supper or at another time that seems more appropriate.

    The USCCB provided a text for this reception on their website last year which I copied and saved. The emphasis was clearly on having the reception occur before evening Mass begun.

    However that same directive on the USCCB website (as quoted in the memo) seems to have been changed to receiving the oils at (during?) the evening Mass:

    Following the prescribed text it reads:
    The bread and wine for the eucharist are then received and the Mass continues in the usual way.

    That would seem to indicate that the presentation of oils should take place at the offertory presentation. Now the copyright on the website is 1994, which may indicate that this particular directive is old and the memo in question referred to it in error.

    Still, does:
    or at another time that seems more appropriate
    allow for the presentation to occur during evening Mass?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    The raising of the pitch of the Ecce lignum and the Lumen Christi is traditional, as is the raising of the pitch of the Alleluia.

    What we did last year was this :

    Cantor : Alleluia (reciting note A); All repeat
    Cantor : Alleluia (reciting note B); all repeat
    Cantor : Alleluia (reciting note C); all repeat
    Cantor : Confitemiti Dmno (From the Graduale Romanum, reciting on C)
    All: repeat Alleluia. End.

    The Graduale Romanum does not give more than one verse of Ps 117; though I think the Triplex gives a possible second verse, but I have to double-check that.
    Thanked by 2Earl_Grey jpal
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    The Lectionary gives three verses.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Found the updated USCCB link:


    This is the one that emphasizes that the reception of oils take place before Mass.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Does anyone else sing an acclamation after each Baptism during the Vigil? If so, what musical setting?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Found this thread...


    I do like the Melkite one. Any other ideas?
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905