For the Election of a Pope
  • Entrance Antiphon 1 Sm 2: 35
    I will raise up for myself a faithful priest,
    who shall do according to my heart and mind;
    I will establish a lasting house for him
    and he shall walk before me all his days.
    Suscitabo mihi.pdf
  • Here's an SEP-style adaptation of the English translation.

    GABC markup:
    I(g) will(h) raise(i) up(iv/iv) for(i) my(i)self(j) a(j) faith(i)ful(h) {priest},(i_) *(;)
    who(j) shall(j) do(ji) ac(h)cord(j)ing(j) to(j) my(jh) heart(hk) and(j) {mind};(ji__) (;)
    I(g) will(g) es(g)tab(fg)lish(g) a(g) last(g)ing(g) house(hg) for(f) him(ghg_0) (;) and(f) he(g) shall(h) walk(h) be(h)fore(h) me(h) all(hvGF) his(g) {days}.(gvFE_0) (::z) (ir//////j//i. : jr//////i//h. ::)
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Excuse my ignorance, but I've seen many chants like this thrown around (for example, Adam's chants on the cafe). When would chants like this be used? Would you use them instead of the propers at a normal Mass between now and the successful election of a pope, or am I misunderstanding things?
  • In the EF: If I read the Rubricæ Generales correctly, it can be said as a Votive Mass of the IV class for a just cause (which wouldn't occur before Eastertide, because ferial days of Lent are III class) or as a Votive Mass for a grave and public cause (II class) by order or at least with consent of the bishop.
    Thanked by 1Aristotle Esguerra
  • Ben and others,

    As far as the OF is concerned, GIRM, 374, and the Ceremonial of Bishops, Appendix III/Table of Rubrics Governing Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Masses for the Dead, says that on weekdays of Lent, Masses for various needs and occasions, in cases of serious need or pastoral advantage, may be offered at the direction of the local Ordinary or with his permission.

    Between now and the vacatio of the See of Peter on February 28, the Mass for the Pope from the THE ROMAN MISSAL ought to be said for Pope Benedict XVI in thanksgiving at least once in every church and chapel in every diocese.

    Between now and the election of the new pope, the Mass for the Election of a Pope from the THE ROMAN MISSAL ought to be said at least once in every church and chapel in every diocese.

    And it seems to me that we should not lose sight of the Year of Faith by offering at least once a month the Special Mass for the New Evangelization.
  • lmassery
    Posts: 426
    Where can one find the communio for this Mass? Jn 15: 16
    "I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, says the Lord,
    fruit that will last"
  • Here is the Introit, Communion, and Offertory, in Latin and in English.
    TLP Musical Resources Election New Pope.pdf
    Thanked by 2lmassery Jenny
  • fvelasco
    Posts: 25
    Thank you for the SEP-style adaption of the Introit. May we request one for the Communion Antiphon for this votive Mass as well? Thanks.

    Communion Exodus 29.29-30
    The high priest who shall be anointed shall wear the holy vesture, and shall enter into the tabernacle of the testimony, to minister in the sanctuary.
  • According to the USCCB, the proper Communio for the Mass during the conlave period should be:

    I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, says the Lord,
    fruit that will last. (Jn 15:16)

    Note: This is the same antiphon as the 6th Sunday of Easter, Year B.

    Here's one setting.

    Thanked by 1fvelasco
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Here's an SEP-style adaptation.

    (c4)The(f) high(hj) priest(j) who(j) shall(j) be(j) an(h)oint(jk)ed(j) (,) shall(j) wear(j) the(j) ho(jh)ly(f) ves(gh){ture},(g) (;) and(f) shall(g) en(h)ter(h) in(h)to(h) the(h) tab(h)er(h)nac(h)le(h) of(g) the(h) test(jk)i(j)mo(j)ny,(j) (,) to(hi) min(h)i(g)ster(f_) in(f) the(g) san(fd)ctu(f)ar(gf){y}.(f.) (::)

    I don't have enough time to put it with verses, but maybe someone else can here.
    Thanked by 1fvelasco
  • fvelasco
    Posts: 25
    Thanks, Andrew, for pointing this out. Here is the link to the Propers for the 6th Sunday of Easter from the Simple English Propers: (I assume we omit the Alleluia during Lent.)

    Do you happen to know the readings as well?
    Ego vos elegi.png
    1063 x 616 - 48K
  • fvelasco
    Posts: 25
    FYI, Adam Bartlett has posted the English Propers for the Mass for the Election of a Pope from the Lumen Christi Missal on the Chant Cafe blog.
  • Are there organ accomaniments available for any of these chants? I would love to use these for our Mass once the pope is elected, but I am not comfortable cantoring them on my own, as there is not really significant time to learn them well. Ideally, I would like to find the accompaniments for the Introit, Offertory, and Communion. Thanks!
  • fvelasco
    Posts: 25
    For the Communion Antiphon, there is an 'official' video on YouTube:

    Remember to omit the Alleluia.

    To prepare our Schola, I did a quick recording of the Introit since I couldn't find one online:

    We were able to learn it by practicing it just a few times.

    A question for the experts: are these antiphons also suitable for a Mass in honor of the new succcessor of St. Peter?