The Koerby Forte : by A None Mouse
  • francis
    Posts: 10,885
    I was handed this composition by someone who walked up after Mass and said he was interested to have his latest piece played at the end of Mass some time in the future. I looked at it and said, "Ya know, we have too much music already that draws attention to the musicians." He said, "Yea, I know. I feel bad for you as the organist, that you never get the same attention and pat on the back that the soloists and cantors get by standing up front and waving their arms and crooning to the Masses. It just isn't fair! So I thought maybe this would balance it out a bit and get you the spotlight you deserve."

    Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

    download score

    listen to simulation
  • ahahahaha now that was funny,,,, we should all program this one for entrance this Sunday. Would fit right on in. If we could just have you write the guitar chords, seperate the bass line for the bass guitars,,,, right in a lick for the lead guitarist, and don't forget a drum line. hahaha
  • chuckling....I love it! and needed that after the past weekend. it's brilliant.

    But, it does give one needn't wave ones arms about to garner admiration and attention whilst laboring on that only needs to put 'their right foot in' - and then, simply remove same foot....and repeat with remaining limbs.

    Now Francis, isn't that what it's all about? Hmmm?

    (i'm going to give this score to my organists this weekend, and, earnestly propose they work on it for next week.....mwahhhhh - we need a laugh at mon eglise...)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,885
    O gee tbs... Make sure you tell them the composer is A None Mouse! I would think it would be close to sacreligeous to perform this piece in (a catholic, in the presence) church. Let the Protestants play it!