Spanish Litany of the Saints
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    I am looking for a copy of the Litany of the Saints in Spanish printed with the chant melody.
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    I don't believe any of the various national editions of the Spanish Misal Romano contain the litany with music.

    But you can find it with music in the Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song hymnal, no. 866. The pew edition contains the Easter Vigil form of the litany. The choir edition will also contain the added petitions used in ordinations and in dedications of churches.
  • Fr. Krisman,

    I saw a copy of Oramos Cantando at NPM this year, and I was impressed by what I saw. Great work! I wanted to know if there is a timetable on support materials, like a choir edition or accompaniment volume, or if it is more on a "when it is done" basis. Do you have an inside scoop there?

    Thank you.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Hi Andrew,

    Nope, no inside scoop.

    All I know is that I review proofs every day for hours. (I'm already at it!) Next out of the gate will be the keyboard accompaniment book. Then the responsorial psalms, then the choir edition, then the ad libitum instrumental parts.
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Thanks Fr. Krisman, exactly what I was looking for.