Chant settings of the English-language Mass Ordinary
  • More adaptations of existing chant melodies to the new English-language ordinary texts have made their way to the MusicaSacra website. The collection, available in PDF and MP3 format, now includes:

    • Eight settings of the Kyrie
    • Five settings of the Gloria
    • Two settings of the Credo
    • Eight settings of the Sanctus
    • Eight settings of the Agnus Dei

    Gregorian chant, Ambrosian chant, and Mozarabic chant are represented.
  • Pes
    Posts: 623
    Outstanding. Wonderful!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    very awesome

    how can we get the word out?
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Remind me, please… are these approved for immediate use? I was thinking that we're all still obliged to use the old (current) texts. Or is this a check-with-your-pastor-or-bishop sort of thing?
  • Well, they were used at World Youth Day with the Pope, but not yet approved for use by US Bishops etc.
  • Please correct any inaccuracies in this observation.

    • The Kyrie and Agnus Dei settings need no permission to be used immediately, as there is no change to the wording.
    • The Gloria, Credo, and Sanctus await the go-ahead from the powers-that-be. Of course, once those in charge finalize an implementation date, that could be the time to introduce those settings to the wider parish.

    Minor correction about the WYD 2008 observation: the Sanctus for the Palmer Mass set "Holy is the Lord God of hosts" while the final approved text reads "Holy, Lord God of Hosts."

    (Would have liked "Holy, Lord God Sabaoth" myself, but we're supposed to be working towards the Latin anyway - to which Sabaoth isn't native either. I suppose we should be happy that Hosanna and Amen were left unaltered both in ICEL v.1 and v.2.)
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    These are fantastic, and in my opinion very thoughtful adaptations of the Latin chants. However, some will say that new chant melodies should be composed for the English texts. Is anyone working on these at the moment?
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  • incantu: I know of a couple of people who are working on original melodies, as well as psalm-tone adaptations. I might attempt an original plainsong setting in the near future.
  • Please use the form in the sidebar of this forum to subscribe to the e-mail list that will send these settings to your inbox in a .zip archive. Because the service only allows e-mail attachments of 1.0 MB, I had to split them up into two parts. Standalone settings of the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus are sent immediately; complete Mass settings and standalone settings of the Gloria and Credo are sent a day later. There are a couple of other promotional goodies there for webmasters and bloggers to help spread the word.

    Don't worry about overloading the server with requests; the vendor is a high-quality one that's been in business for years.

    Happy downloading :)
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    I guess new music will include 'Mysterium fidei" too?
    Thanks for all your work.
  • Congratulations to Aristotle, who has spent countless hours coming up with this workaround, so that we can be 100% ICEL compliant.

    Note that all this time and energy and work is completely unnecessary but for this strange rule that permits email distribution but no direct link. The endless hours that it required to comply are sheer waste. On the other hand, it is now a sunk cost and everyone can get the Mass settings now.

    Incredible what it takes just to get free music!

    Up with Aristotle, the hero of the day!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    Thanks for your work! Have you considered getting permission to reprint Mass Ordinaries from the 1966 book by Columba Kelley "The Sung Mass for Feast Days" ?

    As you can see, his English "Sanctus" translation is the exact same as the new translation if you change the word "filled" to "full."

    Samples attached. He has some nice settings (based on the ones in the Liber).
  • I've never thought to compare new ICEL to old Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.

    That would make a very very nice chart for Sacred Music. Worth doing!

    It might show that we essentially wasted forty years for no reason at all.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    By the way, sorry for the bad scans. I just wanted to give an example of what the pages look like, but was hitting space requirements.
  • Jeff O.: What a happy coincidence! Incidentally, the Sanctus XVIII is not included in the packet, but only recently had I come up with the exact same melodic solution that Fr. Kelly had for "name of the Lord".

    Jeff T.: does this independent discovery of mine make me a trespasser of Fr. Kelly's intellectual property? ;-)
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Fr. Kelley picked some our favorite "Santuses" to set to English, like Sanctus 12.

    Do you think it would be profitable to add some of his adaptations to the mix? Just curious.

    In Christ,

  • Thank you, Aristotle
  • Jeff O.: I think so, perhaps as we move forward. They would need to be in a more compact format than a scan, though, so they'll need to be transcribed using Meinrad, etc. The autoresponder has a rigid file-size limit of 1MB, and I'm more inclined to include it in a collection than send it separately. Those who already have subscribed will have updates broadcast to them.

    Anyone who spots errors or wants to see modifications, improvements, etc. should e-mail with their submissions. We already have a few corrections submitted for the next release.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Ah, yes....well, it was just a thought. In Christ, JMO
  • Here's a routine reminder: Remember who we are.
  • Actually, Jeff, since these settings aren't new, we can certainly post them, right? They don't fall under the umbrella that has restricted these settings to e-mail dissemination? Let me know.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Well, all I know it is copyright 1966. So it is possible they have not renewed Copyright (I doubt they have, personally). I can email you title page
  • Okay, I'll check my inbox.
  • 350 packets delivered in two days.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Write with future readers in mind.
  • Aristotle, can you post the code to embed the Mass-ordinary widget on blogs?
  • Here you go:

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    <div class="form-header" style="padding:4px;border-bottom:1px solid #777;font-weight:bold;">Plainsong Settings of the <u>New</u> ICEL English Translation of the Mass Ordinary (Free PDFs)</div>

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    <div class="form-footer" style="padding:4px;border-top:1px solid #777;font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;">Courtesy of the <a href="; title="Church Music Association of America" style="font-weight:bold;color:#600;text-decoration:none;">CMAA</a></div>



  • Thank you! watch it everyone when you post this code. It matters if your RTE imposes

    at line breaks or not.