Halleluiah - In roads are being made
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    As some of you know the parish I attend has all volunteer musician and singers at all masses.
    Each Mass has a separate leader and the music ranges from more traditional to contemporary.

    Well although we are still not getting paid.
    The pastor called a meeting tonight and stated that he would like all the choirs to start using more Latin, to read the church documents and asked me to lead the seasonal choir for main feasts this year (Ash Wed, Triduum, and Midnight Mass). I guess my move to more sacred music at the one Mass that I do is starting to pay off. He really likes the Antiphons.
    I am so glad I found this web site a couple of years back or I would still be clueless.

    thank you all for the input and God Bless your work.
  • DonR -
    You and your singers should all go before the altar of God with a thurible being swung in full circles and sing a solemn Te Deum. You are SO blessed. I wish you all the best that you could ever want.
    May your successes be repeated at parishes throughout the whole land.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen donr
  • Hurrah, hurrah!
    Thanked by 1donr
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    That's wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing your good news!!
    Thanked by 1donr
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    I second the Te Deum. Best in the juxta morem Romanum tone.
  • PeterBPeterB
    Posts: 6
    Hey DonR, that's great! Now could you please send your pastor to us!
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst