Proper Chants for Roe v. Wade anniversary Mass?
  • Darcy
    Posts: 73
    Hi all. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for which chants to use for a Tuesday weekday Mass, January 22, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Is there any set of propers specific to this occasion, or would we just go with the propers of that week? Thanks for your help!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    The new Roman Missal includes a votive Mass for use in the dioceses of the US, "For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life", among the Masses 'for Various Needs and Occasions".

    Entrance Antiphon:
    For the sake of your name, O Lord, give me life. (cf. Ps 143(142):11)

    Communion Antiphon:
    With you, O Lord, is the fountain of life, and in your light we see light. (cf. Ps. 36(35):10)

    So far I haven't been able to find any existing chant settings of the corresponding Latin texts.
    Thanked by 1Darcy
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I could set the missal antiphons to music, if there is a need.
    Thanked by 1lmassery
  • I was of the understanding that Missal Antiphons were not to be sung.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @hartleymartin, that used to be true but in 2011 the GIRM opened it up to song as well.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    I.e., the US edition of the 2011 GIRM allows for the Missal chants to be sung.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114

    They weren't designed to be sung, but the US girm now allows it. And anyways, it's better than singing some random hymn...
  • US edition? Is this permission the same for the rest of the English-speaking world? (Ie England, Wales and Australia?)
  • Yes. The portion of the GIRM that allows for the Missal antiphons to be sung is in the international version of the Instruction, not just the US adaptations.

    (It's simply listed as one of the options for the Entrance and Communion antiphons.)
  • We're having an extraordinary form Votive Mass for Peace (Introit: Da pacem) and using chants that are familiar to our congregation: Kyrie from Mass XVI and Sanctus and Agnus Dei from Mass XVIII. My advice: check now with your celebrant.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    Andrew, when you refer to the international version of the GIRM, do you mean the Latin? I'm looking at a Latin copy of the GIRM from the 2002 Missal, and para. 48 in that edition doesn't mention introit antiphons from the Missale Romanum. Or is it possible that something has been added since?
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 355
    If you want to think Option 4 (any other suitable song), how about the propers from the Feast of the Holy Innocents?

    Maybe a bit outside the box, but so very appropriate.
    Thanked by 3chonak SkirpR Adam Wood
  • Could I bump this conversation back to life?

    We will be having a sung Novus Ordo Mass on January 22nd and the Schola would like to do a set of suitable Propers for the occasion -- either "For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life" or "For the Preservation of Peace and Justice."

    Does anyone know of Weber or Bartlett-style antiphons that could be used? Or is someone handy at composing them?
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Here is what I am doing on the 18th.

    These are my renditions of Adam Bartletts awesome work. I can not give Adam enough credit.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Communion Antiphon:
    With you, O Lord, is the fountain of life, and in your light we see light. (cf. Ps. 36(35):10)

    I set that antiphon for another purpose, but feel free to use it. It's metrical, but would pair with a psalm tone for the verses.

    Something else to consider is the oft forgotten "option 3", i.e. another antiphon and psalm. So while the spoken antiphons in the Missal may not have been originally conceived for singing purposes, oftentimes they work if set to a singable melody. This is a line from a psalm after all.
    Communion Antiphon-Psalm 36.pdf
  • If someone was serious about using a (relatively) simple 4-voice setting of Vox in Rama audita est, I have a finale-type-set edition I composed a few years ago. I realized after I had written it that the opening few bars quote Bach's Christ lag in Todesbanden

    I could send it to interested persons.

    Chonak, Noel -- anyone -- can I post finale files here (i.e., not may I, or is there a simple way to convert finale files to pdf?

    Thanked by 1Chris_McAvoy
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    Usually you can produce PDF files at your own computer, if the print system includes a "print to file" option. Once you've produced a PDF, you can post it here readily.
  • Chonak,

    See if this is readable.

    Comments on the music are welcome.

    God bless,

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,245
    You can test a PDF file by trying to view it with the Adobe Reader program.

    It looks like this file is output in PCL format (HP Printer format language), so I deleted it.

    Perhaps you need to install a utility program to save PDF output; look for "CutePDF".
  • Chonak,

    How's this:
    Vox in Rama audita est.pdf
  • Chrism
    Posts: 877
    The Latin text of the Communion, Quoniam apud te est fons vitae, is found in five chants in the Cantus DB. There are no images online, but copies of some of the sources can be found in libraries.

    I couldn't find anything for the Introit.
  • CGZ.


    Could I suggest a second version down a whole step for rehearsals when people are learning it? Get the tenors into it then move it up by half steps...what do you think? Also, adding a keyboard reduction at the bottom helps conductors who sit down at a piano to learn the score....Since Finale will do keyboard reductions automatically (for those who are not familiar with it, which you certainly are) it can be helpful.
    Thanked by 1Spriggo
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Also, from an engraving standpoint, I would try and squish the last page and include the last measure on the same line.
  • The suite of Masses for Various Needs and Occasions for Peace and Justice to be Served from the Graduale Simplex may be useful for this day. Here are my SATB English adaptations for this suite.
  • Ben,

    I would like to figure out how to do that. It is possible, but I'm sufficiently ludditic that I haven't mastered it.
  • A Votive mass for the holy innocents would be interesting, if that were possible?

    The book "Early medieval chants from Nonantola. Pt. 3, Processional chants" has about 70 processional responsories for special needs such as favourable weather, end for war, peace etc. All in latin from the 11th century, in modern notation. They are very beautiful. Someday I'll put a few into english. One can find it on or buy it for about 80$ from A R Editions. (Or you can photocopy it at the university library and put it in a binder for only $10.)
  • Dear Friends,

    The great Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, send me the attached chants for use tomorrow, if one is celebrating the "Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice," which is one of the two options for January 22 in the USA. The chants are wonderful. It may be a little too late for this year if you've already picked your music, but in that case, hold on to it for another occasion.

    God Bless,

    30. For the Preservation of Peace and Justice. 2014.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen