¿traditional hymnal en Español?
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    What is a good, traditional, Spanish hymnal?

    Muchas gracias
  • Google has an extensive preview of Cantoral de Misa Dominical (Barcelona, 2006).
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    Wow, thanks, Chris Hebard!
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Estoy recopilando un himnario para mi coro, pero las partituras mayormente vinieron de las Islas Filipinas, lástima.
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    aldrich, por favor, ¿puede usted ponerlo online? gracias
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    I reviewed the Cantoral de "Misa Dominical" this evening. I'm not sure I would call it "traditional." Perhaps it serves the Church in Spain quite well. I don't know, because every time I have attended Mass in Spain, there were no hymnals.

    If you are looking for Gregorian melodies with Spanish texts, you won't find any included. All chants are in Latin, and they are few in number: Regina Coeli, Veni Creator Spiritus, Rorate Caeli, Salve Regina, Pange Lingua, Asperges Me, Vidi Aquam, Kyrie XVI, Gloria VIII, Credo III, Sanctus VIII, Sanctus XVIII, Agnus Dei XVIII. Sorry, no sequences and no Gregorian Ave Maria.

    The hymnal contains 25 psalm settings. In my quick perusal I think they are all contemporary compositions. There is a fair amount of music for the ordinary of Mass in Spanish, mostly modal compositions but not based on Gregorian melodies. And there are many contemporary hymns by Espinosa, Madurga, Manzano, Palazón, Gabaráin, Erdozáin, etc., along with a few settings by Deiss and Berthier (but not any of the latter's music written for Taizé).

    There are no hymns for eucharistic adoration and benediction, not even an O Salutaris or a Tantum Ergo.

    And because there is no Spanish music from the "New World" (including nothing for OL of Guadalupe), I don't see this hymnal as a good fit for Latino assemblies in the USA - unless they want to sing "Junto a Ti" to the tune: RED RIVER VALLEY. Puede ser los tejanos, sí?
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269

    Thanks for the input

    A priest I know is trying to introduce more traditional, non-charismatic-type hymns at the Novus Ordo Spanish masses of the church where he says a 1962 Rite Mass.

    Do you know of any better, more traditional hymnals than the Cantoral de Misa Dominical? I'm not necessarily looking for Spanish texts to Gregorian melodies,, although a hymnal containing some of that would be good. ☺

  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Hi, Geremia,

    It would take time for me to finish the Spanish part of the hymnal.

    In the meantime, I will share two of the hymns I have included. First, we have Gloria a Jesús, which is the Official Hymn of the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress held in Manila in 1937.

    Here is a recording:

    and a post about the hymn:

    Another is the most beloved Filipino hymn to the Sacred Heart, No más amor que el tuyo, which was also sung in the said Congress, although composed earlier.

    Here is a recording:

    and a post about the hymn:

    BTW, I have recently procured a copy of a 1956 hymnal (thick, large format, too cumbersome to scan) compiled by an Augustinian Recollect friar containing the hymns sung in the glorious days of Spanish Manila. It contains many Eucharistic hymns (then sung during Communion at Low Masses) and different settings for the Litanies, for the Rosario cantado, and the gozos of saints honoured by Augustinians.

    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    MusicaSacra.com doesn't have any PDF scans of traditional Spanish hymnals (with lyrics at least in Spanish)?
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    @Chris Hebard:
    Google has an extensive preview of Cantoral de Misa Dominical (Barcelona, 2006).
    Yes, here: https://books.google.com/books?id=YJJzYHklwOwC
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    MusicaSacra.com doesn't have any PDF scans of traditional Spanish hymnals (with lyrics at least in Spanish)?

    Has anyone identified a hymnal that could be a helpful resource (and is not restricted by copyright)? That could be a candidate to scan and then share on-line. If you have something like that, post about it here.