Chant parts for Priest - Vigil Mass
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Does anyone have the chant for the collect, prayer over the offerings and the prayer after communion.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I found the tones for the presidential prayers in Roman Missal page 1267. The next question I have is how should I marry this tone to the text of the collect for Christmas Eve "At Vigil Mass" found on page 35.

    I need to get this done tonight and forward to my priest this evening or first thing in the morning.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Due to lack of time I have created my own. I hope this will work.
    Please review and let me know if this is acceptable.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,231
    I like it! The only thing I'd do differently is one note on page 2:
    I prefer "Through(A) Christ(A) our(A) Lord(G)"
    "Through(A) Christ(A) our(AG) Lord(G)"

    I don't know if there's a rule about this, but the first way keeps the cadence on the last accented syllable.
    Thanked by 1donr
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    nice job! Another very small correction: on the offertory prayer, I would put "festivities" as fes(A)tiv(A)i(G)ties(G), not all on g.

    Also, in reguard to the conclusion, I tend to prefer it as the tone sheet in the missal says:


    Other than that, it looks great. Good job!
    Thanked by 1donr
  • Some of us who teach seminarians are working on getting them to point their texts. Pointing is a bit tricky but once they learn how to do it, very efficient! The symbols in the new Missal work rather well I find, and so I am going to teach all of my voice students at the seminary how to point not only their prayers but the lessons as well.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    @Ruth can you do a little teaching here as well? I know he will ask me for more. I really never learned how to do it.