Help! Translation Needed, Pronto
  • I have to get my Christmas booklet typeset today, and need a translation for 3 verses of "Resonet in Laudibus." Is there anyone who can save my neck? (Capital letters and punctuation below are as they appear in the music.)

    2) Sion lauda Dominum Salvatorem omnium; Virgo parit Filium.
    3) Natus est Emmanuel, Quem praedixit Gabriel, Testis est Ezechiel.
    4) Sancta tibi Trinitas Os omnium gratias Resonet altissimas.
  • Sion, praise the Lord, the Savior of all; the maiden/virgin bears a son.
    God With Us has been born, whom Gabriel foretold, Ezechiel is witness.
    Let the mouths of all resound with loftiest thanks to you, Holy Trinity.
    Thanked by 2canadash Kathy
  • Yes! Ionnes Andreades, I extend you all of my gratitude! Crunch-time, and you came through.
  • tsoapm
    Posts: 79

    I’m looking at the English translation of Resonet in laudibus at CPDL:

    Resonet in laudibus cum jucundis plausibus Sion cum fidelibus
    let praises resound with joyous acclaim: to Sion’s faithful

    Apparently ‘resonet’ should be singular, so I’m guessing this isn’t the most literal of translations? I suppose it would be Zion (the only singular thing I can see) that is resounding in/with praises?

  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Umnnh...."Sion" is the subject: "Let Sion ..."

  • tsoapm
    Posts: 79
    Ah, righto then, thank you. So I imagine the whole thing could be, literally:

    Let Sion, with (the/its) faithful, resound with praises [and] joyous clapping

    I wonder whether the plausibus might actually constitute the laudibus…
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
    The idea in the Psalms seems to be that people were singing/chanting and clapping at the same time.

    (Ps. 46:2/47:1)
    "Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus; jubilate Deo in voce exsultationis"

    "All peoples, clap your hands. Shout/sing to God in a voice of exultation."
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Caswall (I think) has an excellent trans. somewhere.
  • I make no boast as to the literary merit of this,
    but here is a version that preserves the metre if not the rhyme,
    and thus has the same 'feel' and form as the carol, so like the carol could be sung.

    Sion praise the Lord your God,
    He the Saviour of us all,
    He who Virgin-born appears.

    Born to us is God With Us,
    He whom Gabr'el did foretell,
    Witnessed by Ezekiel.

    Holy Trinity, to thee,
    Joyfully our lips give praise,
    Thanking thee with highest lays.

    Thanked by 2CHGiffen JonathanLC