EF Requiem Mass Congregation Booklet - Comments?
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Our schola sings for several funerals a year, and since many of the congregation have never been to a Mass in the Extraordinary Form (much less know any Latin), I've created this booklet for them. Comments? Feel free to use it if you would like.
    Requiem Congregation booklet - Male.pdf
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    First, I'm glad you made this, and I think you've done a fine job overall.

    But I want to take this occasion to make a broader comment, which I hope you don't take personally. I wonder why the entire style (art, typeface, English) of almost all such aids for the EF always appear to be from 1962 or earlier. I have equal respect for both forms of the Roman Rite (although I am personally a fairly strong supporter of something little-seen since Summorum Pontificum - the OF in Latin).

    To give an example of what I find more ideal in showing the hermeneutic of continuity between the EF and OF, please see this booklet by Fr. Dylan Schrader which rather appropriately uses the recent ICEL translations for all the prayers that are the same (in Latin) in the OF and EF, or uses them as a starting point for those texts which are only slightly different:


    What better way to win those who find nothing wrong with the OF over to the EF than letting them see how much of it is the same? Then they can better appreciate the ways in which it is truly different.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    SkipR, no offense taken, and I understand your point. What I did was look for free stuff, basically, plus I love Dore's illustrations. The font; yes, I agree. I'll think about alternatives.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    I think I spot a missing bit of translation at bottom of p.6.

    Unless there's to be some really exquisite polyphony I'd personally prefer to have notes to sing from as in the Schrader booklet. But maybe that's just my protestant upbringing speaking; the other book is otherwise welcoming enough.
    Thanked by 1gregp
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798

    Having made quite a few resources for the EF, I will try to answer your questions.

    The Art: I mainly use the St. Andrew's Daily Missal woodcuts,
    1. They are out of copyright,
    2. UVOC chose to use as the basis of their resources the St. Andrew's Daily Missal and I have continued from them.
    3. The woodcuts are very beautiful.
    N.B. Some LMS resources use newly commissioned art.
    Also the 1962 ed. of the St. Andrew's Daily Missal has modern artwork.

    Typeface: Garamond / Times / Century school book,
    1. See point 2 above.
    2. Our Mass is Traditional and so are our typefaces.
    3. Most people I met prefer the older style of typeface.

    English Translation: St. Andrew's Daily Missal when available.
    1. They are out of copyright,
    2. They use good English,
    3. The Latin texts are too messed around with in the OF, to use modern translations from the English Translation. It is also important to keep the translation used constant, to avoid inconsistencies.
    4. There are around 10 English translations / paraphrases of the EF so we have plenty to choose from.
    5. The above translations / paraphrases have all been approved by competent authority for private use by the congregation at the EF.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • bcb
    Posts: 36
    I realize I'm late to the party, but thanks for providing this resource! One minor question:
    this booklet seems to indicate a homily after the Gospel; isn't the sermon at an EF after Mass, before the Absolution?
  • If BCB is late to the party, I must be on the custodial crew....

    Anyway, SkirpR makes the untenable claim that ICEL translations from the OF can be used for EF prayers where they are the same. That's like saying that you're happy admitting any boy with a uterus to the women's locker room. The door stays barred because the differences are so profound.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,237
    What a grotesque image!

    Do you mean to contend that a Latin prayer said identically at two Masses changes its meaning depending on which edition of the Roman Missal it's read from? That makes no sense to me.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,495
    A eulogy or sermon about the deceased goes at the end of Mass, as is does in OF. Whether a homily could be preached after the gospel is unclear to me.
  • Nice.

    ... Just realized this discussion has been reactivated. Anyway, here is a similar booklet Latin/French for the French readers, made by the FSSP in Switzerland.
    http://www.fssp.ch/fr/objet/2010-01 Livret de la messe de Requiem chantee.pdf

    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Chonak,

    I'm sorry to use such a grotesque image. Must be the result of living in a state in which, by law, boys can self-identify as girls (actually, they can choose a gender self-identity) and use the girls' locker room thanks to Governor Brown.

    What I mean is that the prayers themselves are different, and profoundly so, so that the Latin of the one could only be used for the Latin of the other if one did serious damage to it. Take the Lavabo: one can't substitute the one for the other because the Latin text isn't the same. If the prayers were so similar as SkirpR suggests, people wouldn't break out in hives at the suggestion that we use the older Missal.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    This is a great discussion and thanks for the samples. I'm always looking for ways to improve our Sunday handout for the EF Missa Cantata. I find that most people, esp. with children, don't bring hand missals to Mass so this is what most people in the congregation use. I wish I could fit in more of the dialogues and responses, but three pages is enough to process and print. Two of our handouts are attached below. Any comments or suggestions would be very welcome.

    I think Henri de Villiers at liturgia.com has the most amazing Sunday liturgy programs. Here's his pdf from last Sunday. If there ever was a contest, he deserves the prize!
    All Souls' Day.pdf
    Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Savior.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,701
    Exceptional Latin Mass handouts:


    As we were determining how to provide handouts for our congregation, it became apparent that none of the downloadable Propers available on the Internet were sufficiently accurate to meet our needs. We thus took on the multi-year task of creating our own set from scratch. The Latin and English texts in these handouts have been cross-checked for accuracy against a number of Latin and English missals. Citations from Holy Scripture have been verified. Accent marks have been added to aid in proper pronunciation of the Latin. All of the updates from the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal have been incorporated. In all, over one thousand hours of preparation and proofreading were invested in the creation of these handouts. While perfection is impossible, we believe that they are more accurate than any other alternative documents.

    No one should have to go through this exercise again. We are therefore making the original Microsoft Word files of these handouts available to other churches wishing to create Worship Aids for their own congregations. We will send you a CD containing the Word files for the Propers Handouts and large-font English Readings sheets for the pulpit. You will receive ongoing e-mails of additional Propers Handouts created for additional feasts in the future. Numerous churches and organizations worldwide now make use of these handouts, including St. Albertus and St. Hyacinth Churches in Detroit; Ss. Cyril & Methodius in Sterling Heights, Michigan; Juventutem Michigan; Holy Rosary in Cedar, Michigan; Our Lady of the Taper Shrine in Wales; Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana; and Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Philadelphia.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    Looks like we all have our favourite format.

    34 - Requiem.pdf
    Thanked by 1JulieColl