I'm looking for background information on the Advent chant "Rorate caeli desuper," the antiphon with four verses, which appears in the Liber Usualis on p. 1868, also in the Cantus Selecti, p. 27, and in the Parish Book of Chant, p. 131. I'd like to know where it comes from, the source of the tone used for the verses, whether it is ancient or was assembled by Mocquereau, etc. Would be grateful for any enlightenment here.
On page 300* of the Cantus Selecti, the following information is given:
Cantus Oratorii, Parisiis, 1610-1615 prima vice editus a. 1634 in "Directorium chori" (Oratorii Paris.). Auctor est probabiliter P. Bourget, Sacerdos Oratorii. (Nota e Cant. Rom, Seraph., 1951, p. 392).
Thank you, Felicity. My copy of Cantus Selecti, the one currently available from publishers, ends on page 292 and unfortunately does not include the section of "Adnotationes" from which you have cited. I did find it (of course) at Musicasacra among the books available for download. Thanks again.
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