Publisher suggestions?
  • I have a friend (honestly, this is not a dodge!) who has written some lovely, quite traditional pieces for the liturgy that happen to be accompanied by piano, as she is a fabulous pianist who will play the organ although she is very honest about the fact that she is not an organist by training. These would be very useful for helping to move a parish from the usual fare to more traditional liturgical music.

    She recently submitted them to a publisher whose focus is traditional Catholic music, and was told that they do not even look at pieces with piano accompaniment as their clientele is 'too traditional to have a piano in the church'. She does not want to rewrite the accompaniments for organ, and, to be honest, they are really not suited to the organ.

    Can anyone suggest a publisher or publishers that would welcome this sort of music? (She will not send her works to the big three, on principal.)

    I do suspect that if such a publisher existed, any number of us here would be their clients!
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    She could self-publish them and sell them via a website. Or send them off to one of the non-Catholic publishers like Lorenz or Hope.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Furthermore, the odds are very good that she won't make much money on this anyway - why not make them available for free? Put them on a website and add a donate button. She might make more, she might make less.
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    PatriciaC, one publisher where new compositions seem to be given a fair look is Santa Barbara Music Publishing.
    I got one of those piano rejections from one of our colleagues, Gary P. from CN, and I thought it an appropriate observation. But its conversion to an organ accompaniment was easily managed and we've used it that way ever since. Didn't resubmit to CN, tho'. But your friend should really revisit and examine that possibility.
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    In addition to providing the music for free on a website with a donate button, she could also have a form for folks to fill out of they'd like to commission music to be written by her for them. This could lead to far more income than the average publisher would give. Encourage her to think outside the box.
  • I'd submit them to this active performing group. I feel that they would be of interest to them.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    i would like to see it. is that possible?
  • You could, Patricia Cecilia, suggest that your friend try my own music's publisher: the Australian firm Wirripang (based in Wollongong, New South Wales). Of course I can make no guarantees, but the relevant website is - lodging an enquiry can't do any harm.