Advent Gospel Acclamation
  • Any suggestions for an Advent Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia), perhaps set to a traditional Advent tune which could be easily learned by the congregation?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,466
    At my Episcopal parish, I'm doing a newly-composed (by me) Mass Setting based on Conditor Alme Siderum, heavily influenced by Anglican Chant. Some of the text doesn't match the new RC translations, but the Alleluia is the same. I'll send it if you like.

    Also, GIA's Missa Emmanuel (where every acclamation is set to the tune of Veni Veni Emmanuel) fits what you are describing.
  • Yes the first phrase of O Come Emmanuel works well for the Alleluia. I actually use an abridged version set by a local composer but I don't have permission to post it here. Though I have also used the original melody as it is in the hymn (singing Alleluia 4 times--or once with a long jubulis!)

    Likewise, we use (part of) the Missa Emmanuel. But I don't like the redundant repeats in the GIA version since the people seem to sing the melody as it appears in the hymn.

    As a general rule I don't care for hymn-tune based Mass settings, but it's sort-of a local Advent tradition, and the people really sing it well. I have the old GIA score. But I decided to simply use one of the ICEL Memorial Acclamations from the missal and the ever-popular traditional Agnus Dei chant (the only Latin Chant people seem to enjoy singing). So basically we are only using the O Come Emmanuel Melody for the Sanctus and Amen and and then the Alleluia (that is based on it but not an exact quotation).
    Thanked by 1StephenColbert