LoTH Antiphons: Common of Pastors?
  • Hi-- I'm trying to put together a Liturgy of the Hours prayer sheet for my students going on retreat in Oct 23 and 24 (St John of Capistrano, St Anthony Mary Claret). Both those days use the Common of Pastors. I'd like to do English verses, Latin antiphons. Where would I find the antiphons' music (Latin) for those days? I have the hymns in the Liber Hymnalis, but is there a book for the antiphons? (Or would someone be so kind as to post GABC for the antiphons? Lauds and Vespers)
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    Here are the chants and the sources where they can be found, according to the Ordo Cantus Officii (1983):

    Ad I Vesperas:
    Antiphona 1: Dabo vobis patores (not in any Solesmes edition; to be found in Propre de Rouen, p. 101 [S. Mellonis, 22/10])
    Antiphona 2: Beatus quem elegisti (Liber Responsorialis 154)
    Antiphona 3: Pastor bonus (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 483)
    Magnificat: Suscitabo mihi sacerdotem (Antiphonale Monasticum (III, 2007) 384)

    Ad Invitatorium:
    Antiphona: Christum pastorum principem (Liber Hymnarius 289)

    Ad Officium Lectionis:
    Antiphona 1: Posuisti Domine super caput eius (Liber Responsorialis 153)
    Antiphona 2: Serve bone et fidelis (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 658)

    Ad Laudes Matutinas:
    Antiphona 1: Vos estis lux mundi (Antiphonale Romanum (1912) [197])
    Antiphona 2: Sacerdotes Dei (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 658)
    Antiphona 3: Iusti confitebuntur (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 980)
    Benedictus: Euge serve bone (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 661)

    Ad Tertiam:
    Antiphona: Ecce sacerdos magnus (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 657)

    Ad Sextam:
    Antiphona: Non est inventus (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 657)

    Ad Nonam:
    Antiphona: Ideo iureiurando (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 658)

    Ad II Vesperas:
    Antiphona 1: Domine iste sanctus (Liber Responsorialis 196)
    Antiphona 2: Fidelis servus et prudens (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 671)
    Antiphona 3: Oves meae ... et fiet unum (Antiphonale Romanum (2009) 512)
    Magnificat: Amavit eum Dominus (Antiphonale Monasticum (1934) 663)
    or: O quam speciosi pedes (Antiphonale Romanum (1912) 654)

    Many times the indicates antiphons can also be found in modern chant books like the Antiphonale Monasticum (III, 2007) or Antiphonale Romanum (2009).
    Thanked by 1bgeorge77
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    I think it's great that you're doing this with your students.

    I feel I should add that a careful reading of the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours indicates that for memorials (like St John of Capistrano, St Anthony Mary Claret) using the psalms and antiphons from the Commons effectively elevates the celebration to a feast. For memorials, the antiphons, psalms, and Old Testament and New Testament canticles are usually to be taken from the Psalter. The antiphon at the Gospel Canticle (Benedictus & Magnificat) may come from either the Commons or the weekday in the Psalter. (I usually choose the Commons because the texts of the weekday antiphons are more or less drawn from the Benedictus or Magnificat anyway.)

    Of course, given that this is a special case (a retreat) you are fully justified in your creating a special Office. I simply want to point out to others who may be reading this thread that drawing everything from the Commons for most memorials does not seem to be envisioned by the GILH.
  • Wow. I should have known it was going to be like this. Looking forward to the day when singing the office doesn't require a gazillion separate books.

    So SkipR, I want to do what is the right thing, ordo-wise. So I should basically do the feria, but the Benedictus/Magnificat antiphon from the Common... the hymn from the common too? And the collect?
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 400
    See General Instruction on the LoTH, paragraph 234ff, e.g. here: http://www.ewtn.com/library/curia/cdwgilh.htm
    Thanked by 1bgeorge77
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    So SkipR, I want to do what is the right thing, ordo-wise. So I should basically do the feria, but the Benedictus/Magnificat antiphon from the Common... the hymn from the common too? And the collect?

    Looks good to me. Remember, if you're celebrating the memorial of a saint, what's in the Proper of Saints for the saint - at Lauds/Vespers usually only the Collect, maybe the Benedictus/Magnificat antiphon - is the only part that's necessary. If nothing else proper to the saint is found in the Proper of Saints, all the other items after the psalmody can be taken from the feria or the Common. (For example, today - The Holy Guardian Angels - is one of those rare memorials where the Proper of Saints makes it just like a feast - with everything proper at Lauds and Vespers - the only real distinction from a feast is in the Office of Readings.)

    I tend to agree with you that the Benedictus/Magnificat antiphon and the hymn are the most appropriate to take from the Commons, although you may certainly take the reading, short responsory, and/or intercessions from the Commons also.

    (Even, though there's supposed to be no difference between obligatory and optional memorials, I typically take advantage of the weekday/Commons options to make some distinction between them when privately reciting/chanting the Office.)
    Thanked by 1bgeorge77