Mass booklet - assistance
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 395
    Adam Wood: actually the "they" is just me.
    I don't really "transcribe Gregorian Chant" - in the body of my office chants there are just a few adaptations of the original Gregorian melodies for the vernacular, the most are new "compositions".

    I actually plan to code the opposite to what Ben wants: I like the output of Gregorio and the input format of LilyPond, so ly > gabc converter is what I want to have.

    Better support of the chant notation in LilyPond is a complicated task - there is a testimony of the creator of Gregorio somewhere where he states that he first researched for possibilities of doing exactly this - and when he realized, how hard (if not impossible) it would be, he started the Gregorio project ...
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Ben! Is it possible to handle vector graphics with Scribus ?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    I just ran a little experiment in Scribus; you can read in an SVG vector graphics file with the commands "Import" -> "Vector File".
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 395
    Some time ago the possibility of converting Gregorio's input format to Lilypond's was mentioned in this discussion. So: one gabc -> lily conversion tool is here. I'm not sure how many, if any, would make any use of it. If there was such a desire, I could later, as the tool becomes more mature, create an online tool for those not willing to install and run the script on their own system.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Igneus: I WILL USE THIS.