Is The Liber Usualis for sale anywhere?
  • I’m thinking of reading The Liber Usualis from 1961. It seems to have a lot of great information that I’m looking for. However, I can’t find it in print anywhere, only a few free downloads. Not even Solemes sells it.

    Is it for sale anywhere? Or, should I burn the PDF on to a CD and take it to my local copy shop to print and bind?

    Alternatively, if it’s not being sold currently, does that mean that there are some other books I should be reading?
  • I'd try eBay and for Libers in decent condition for possibly OK prices. Be sure to check the condition they claim it's in, and whether the rubrics are in English or Latin or something else.

    For newly printed Libers, go here

    I've got one in a marvelously durable cover from the original printing in 1964 with the revised rubrics and other supplements. Great binding. I've also got a Bonaventure reprint, which is decent but the binding is of lower quality (so I'm careful with it). Got the first one via eBay and the second from Bonaventure:

    I think by the time you print the PDF and have it trimmed and bound somehow, you'd be paying as much as you'd pay for a published copy.
  • A reprint of Liber Usualis is available from the St Bonaventure Press for, I think, around $125. I don't know which edition it is. Another possible source for used copies would be Loomes, the very fine Catholic used liturgical bookseller.

    (I just noticed that St Bonaventure's is referred to above by Scott... sorry.)
    Thanked by 1rjgrigaitis
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Do be aware of the edition you buy. Some little publisher used to reprint an edition from the early 1950s; that would not reflect the Holy Week reforms of that decade.
    Thanked by 1rjgrigaitis
  • JonathanKKJonathanKK
    Posts: 542
    I recommend using the FSSP for purchasing the Liber:
    They sell a reprint of the 1961 Liber (correct for the 1962 missale) for $95. All text is in Latin in this edition; however, if you need to, you can always check the musicasacra pdf version, which has rubrics etc. in English.
    Thanked by 1rjgrigaitis
  • ossian1898ossian1898
    Posts: 142
    Preserving Christian Publications sells the 1961, and are the current publisher. They are good people.
    Thanked by 1rjgrigaitis
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 163
    Can't find it on at all. But worth asking them about it - like you say, they're good.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I also found it on Biretta Books. Has anyone dealt with them before?
  • Biretta Books is run by the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius here in Chicago, and they run a good business. I think the site is hosted and the items warehoused by a third party, but I've always had good service. I absolutely had to have the Solemn High Mass wheel that shows where everyone's supposed to be at each step in the liturgy. Too ingenious and fun.
    Thanked by 1rjgrigaitis
  • I found a 1961 Liber Usualis with Introduction and Rubrics in English, edited by the Benedictines of Solemnes, published by Desclee Company, among some other music. it has ribbons also. If anyone would like to buy it, I'm willing to sell. Pat Novi
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    check your messages.