NFP awareness week
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    What should one plan for such an occasion?
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470

    I kind of shudder at the whole idea of this being liturgical (the liturgy cannot bear the weight of every catechetical concern of the Church), but the USCCB has liturgy resources here, though nothing about music per se.

    If your pastor is following something like the suggested homily (pdf), "Make Jesus the Shepherd and King of your Family!" I suppose you could do, "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" at the offertory?
    Thanked by 1ryand
  • Ruth Lapeyre
    Posts: 341
    Oh my Gosh I just realized something, one of the things that really bothers liturgists about the EF. The liturgy is all set, you can't just monkey around with it at your ease! They want to control social thinking by using the Liturgy!!!! There would be no job for them if the Church made everyone adhere to the EF I'm talking about the way people think, their Faith.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Jenny
  • Nothing.
    Thanked by 2francis Ben
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Thanks for the help...
  • Nuptial Mass propers? Hymns having to do with the kingship of Christ, reliance on God? I'm not being facetious.
    I'm in favor of NFP, and have used it in my marriage, but I'm thinking it's a little odd to plan the sacred liturgy around it.
    Thanked by 3marajoy ryand CHGiffen
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    I agree with you MaryAnn, but of course it's not my decision. DM does not equate to pastor/bishop, as shocking as that may be to some of our colleagues here!

    Thanks for your input, I think that's a great idea. It's also nice to get some serious opinions rather than snarky remarks...
  • Ruth Lapeyre
    Posts: 341
    Sorry ryand I should have started a new discussion but it hit me hard reading the first reply, and I had never thought about it quite that way before.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Sure. And like I said, I don't necessarily disagree with anyone here, but the reality is that an "NFP mass" is scheduled, and I am tasked with providing the music. Having not done this type of mass before, I wanted to reach out to the expertise on this forum.
  • Ruth Lapeyre
    Posts: 341
    But you have gotten some good advice, right? And I do understand. I had to provide liturgy for Novus Ordo Masses last semester and I didn't have a lot of say about what could and could not be done, so I am sorry I spoke in an inappropriate area.
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    With all due respect, I do want to point out that your original question simply said, "What can one do for the occasion of NFP awareness week?" It actually mentioned NOTHING about the fact that you have an *NFP Mass*, hence many of the replies suggest that you ought to do nothing for it. I'm sure that most people upon reading this originally, thought as I did, that you were wondering how to incorporate NFP into your regularly scheduled Sunday liturgy, simply because you felt it deserved liturgical incorporation, and found that odd.
    Thanked by 1E_A_Fulhorst
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    "Hymns having to do with the kingship of Christ"

    I think "All hail the power of Jesus' Name" would be inappropriate, what with the line, "bring forth the royal diaphragm...." (sorry... couldn't resist - or find the cantor slip-up thread!)

    Seriously though, perhaps "Our Father, by Whose Name" would be appropriate. Or something related to the Incarnation, even. It really brings up the question of how the propers can be used in such made-up Masses. Would one use the propers of the most proximate Sunday? Or, perhaps this would be a case where the "second option" is best? Or could one simply choose one's own antiphons (so long as they are "aptus") from the Gradual?

    Interesting question. Or we can just make a sandwich out of the whole thing.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,128
    Wouldn't this be a Mass from one of the Commons for Various Needs and Occasions?
    Thanked by 1ryand
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    "bring forth the royal diaphragm...." (sorry... couldn't resist - or find the cantor slip-up thread!)
  • DM does not equate to pastor/bishop, as shocking as that may be to some of our colleagues here!
    I'm not the Etiquette Police. However, if I have an issue with a fellow poster, I'll let them know directly and by name.
    Now, to your point, ryand (and I am suggesting this only because of my interpretation of the text)-in Bernadette Farrell's GOD HAS CHOSEN ME, third verse, is the following: "God is calling all whose cry is raise up the voice with no power or choice....."
    Farrell may not have intended that to be an allegory for the unborn, but I can live with that lyric's "social justice" implications because I explicitly think that we are the only ones who can speak for the unborn souls who have the rights and dignity due any human created by God's love. So.... this is a "just sayin'" sort of suggestion.
    Thanked by 1ryand
  • E_A_FulhorstE_A_Fulhorst
    Posts: 381
    If it's NFP Awareness Week, what are you doing the rest of the week?
    Thanked by 2Gavin ryand
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    It just occurred to me that perhaps we might sing or pray Kathy Pluth's wonderful pro-life hymn: At the Dawning of Creation this week.
    Thanked by 1ryand
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Lol E_A_Fullhorst.

    Thanks for the continued suggestions. This is my first task when I get to the office tomorrow and I bet it's going to take about 10 minutes thanks to these good ideas. I'll share what I decide on.
  • Someone set this to music:
    Si vos utor contraconceptionem artificiales, sanctam Communionem recipere non tum, cum peccato mortali.

    Use it for the Communio.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    LOL; if you would like a quote from Humanae Vitae as the text: Hic denique amor fecundus est, quippe qui non totus in coniugum communione contineatur, sed eo etiam spectet ut pergat, novasque exsuscitet vitas.
    Thanked by 1Joseph Mendes
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Since we're not sure what day of the week the Mass will occur, here are my thoughts for a generic program for NFP Week:

    For the Beauty of the Earth
    Kyrie XVI
    Faith of our Fathers or Ave Maria
    EP IV
    Mem: Save us
    Sung Our Father
    Lamb of God (ICEL Chant)
    Communion verse
    Panis Angelicus
    Now Thank We All Our God

    Obviously, if the Mass takes place on St. Anne's day, you would commemorate St. Anne...
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Entrance Hymn: At the Dawning of Creation
    Introit (as priests ascend the altar): SEP nuptial
    Kyrie: Missal chant (English)
    Psalm: Chabanel nuptial
    Gospel Acc: Respond & Acclaim (page 139, if you have a "current" copy)
    Offertory Hymn: Sing of Mary, Pure & Lowly (a favorite of the scheduled celebrant)
    Sanctus: Latin/Jubilate Deo
    Mem. Acc.: Missal (English)
    Amen: "A-men"
    Lord's Prayer: Snow
    Agnus Dei: Latin/Jubilate Deo
    Communion: SEP nuptial
    Communion hymn: Our Father by Whose Name
    Recessional: God Has Chosen Me
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen a1437053
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    So you sang "A-men" at the "Amen"?

  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Should that be A-people? Maybe A-couple? Or is there something different with the NFP Mass that focuses on the male side?
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    Ben, you forget that NFP is the opposite of politically correct!
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Maybe I'll compose the politically correct version today.

    "A-men, A-female, A-straight, A-LGBT"

    Nah. I'll leave it at Amen. I do suppose I should have written "Ah-men" for correct pronunciation. ;)
    Thanked by 3DougS Ben Joseph Mendes
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    Ahhh.... men! :-)
    Ahhhhh!!! MEN!!!! >:-(
    Thanked by 3DougS Gavin Ben
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640

  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Here's a new hymn written for the World Meeting of Families that could also work for NFP awareness week: