National Catholic Youth Choir
  • janetgorbitzjanetgorbitz
    Posts: 968
    Several months back, I saw a mention on the forum about the summertime program for teens with the NCYC. I then passed along the information about it to a teen in our parish that I thought would be interested. I just wanted to follow up with her comments about it after she attended this year (She loved it).

    In her words:

    "Thank you so much for letting me know about NCYC. It was by far one of the best experiences of my life. We sang so many beautiful pieces, and Dr. Theimer is the best conductor I have ever had. Apparently he works internationally. He taught us a lot of great things. Among other stuff, I learned how the vocal chords work in great detail; it was really cool and will definitely help my singing in the future.
    I also made a whole lot of new friends, many of whom I will be keeping in touch with and will see next year (because I'm definitely going back in '09). The whole experience was so amazing and it changed my life.

    Thanks again!


    P.S. There are way more details, such as a list of our songs and lots of pictures, on the website. I think you have it already, but here's a link just in case. :)"

    FYI: Here is the song list from the site:

    NCYC 2008 Music Selections

    “Pacem meam do vobis” (My peace I give you) (sung in Latin)
    Text: John 14: 27
    Music: Gregorian chant

    “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Grant us peace) (sung in Latin)
    Music: aleatoric setting by Robert Chilcott (b. 1955)

    “King of Glory, King of Peace”
    Text: George Herbert (1593-1633)
    Tune: Johann Rudolf Ahle (1625-1673)
    set by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) ed./arr. William Lock

    “Surgens Jesus” (Jesus, Arising) (sung in Latin)
    Text: John 20: 19-20
    Music: Peter Philips

    “O, pray for the peace of Jerusalem”
    Text: Psalm 122: 6, 7
    Music: from “Four Anthems” by Herbert Howells (1892-1983)

    Text: Luke 19: 42-44
    Music: Egil Hovland (b. 1924)

    “Prayer for Peace”
    Text: Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877)
    Music: Paul Fetler (b. 1920)

    “Let Us Go Rejoicing”
    Text: Psalm 122: 1-9
    Music: Michael Joncas (b. 1951)

    “Lord of Nations, God Eternal”
    Text: H. Glen Lamier (1924-1978)
    Music: Robert Edward Smith

    “Agnus Dei” (Lamb of God) (sung in Latin)
    Text: Liturgy of the Mass
    Music: Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937), arr. Ronald Huntington (d. 1994)

    “Verses of Peace” (sung in Latin)
    Text: Liturgical sources
    Music: Dan Locklair (b. 1949)

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Prince of Peace"
    Text: Jakob Ebert (1549-1614) / Johann Jacobi (1740-1814)
    Tune: Bartholomaeus Gesius (1560-1613) set by J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

    “Hashkiveinu,” from the Jewish Evening Liturgy (sung in Hebrew)
    Music: Stephen Richards (b. 1935)

    “The Lord Will Bless His People”
    Text: Psalm 29
    Music: Richard Cheri and Jalonda Robertson

    “A Gaelic Blessing”
    Text: adapted from and old Gaelic rune
    Music: John Rutter (b. 1945)

    “Psalm 100”
    Music: Knut Nystedt (b. 1915)

    “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name” / GROSSER GOTT
    Text: Te Deum, German ascr. Ignaz Franz (1719-1790), tr. Clarence Walworth (1820-1900)
    Music: 1775 Vienna, Katholisches Gesangbuch (“Catholic hymnal”)
    stanza two set by Donald Busarow (b. 1934)

    Pieces sung at liturgy:

    “Salve Regina,” Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sung daily in Latin at Compline

    Gloria by George Palmer (b. 1947), with the proposed ICEL revised text
    To be sung at 2009 World Youth Day in Sidney, Australia (sung in Latin and English)