Call for a CMAA member-wide novena
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    We have come to the source and summit of our liturgical year. We have arrived at the threshold of our greatest feasts. We are about to embark upon proclaiming the central truth of our Faith in our worship, with the aid of music ever ancient yet ever new. For the message of our salvation is eternal.

    While Holy Week seems to be "early" in terms of the calendar, it falls into a time frame we who are members of the CMAA have created to strengthen and sustain our efforts. While we carry some worries about how well we are prepared, we are also reminded "to sing is to pray twice" and "cantare amantis est." God, who is not outdone in generosity, will graciously take our musical gifts and abundantly bless those who come in contact with our offering, whether as performer or listener. And while we also celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we also give thanks for the election of Pope Francis as the new fisherman in the Barque of St. Peter.

    So much for which to pray. So much the need for it. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Friday, March 22 through Saturday, March 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.

    May we truly and boldly proclaim, "He is risen! He is risen indeed!"
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    He is risen! He is risen indeed!

    As we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we also prepare for the liturgical celebrations of the Feast of the Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity, and Corpus Christi. While it seems at times these feasts are "overlooked", they hold as much honor as Christmastide and Passiontide, a third jewel in the crown of our making a joyful noise. While it signals an end to the harried pace of the past nine months, it is no less a time of sincere and sometimes intense preparation.

    As we ready ourselves to celebrate more of the tenets of our faith, let us continue to offer our prayers like incense. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Monday, April 22 through Tuesday, April 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    For many of us, we are in the middle of the last major efforts of the liturgical year. With the summer comes an easing of responsibilities, but not an easing of planning. While we savor this time to recharge our own batteries, we also keep one eye on that day when it is time to do it all over again; hopefully, more of the same, only better.

    We thank God for the musical gifts He has bestowed upon us, in both our own talents and those who labor with us. We ask for more harvesters to join us in this part of the vineyard come autumn, eager to continue to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord". We seek that out of the way place prepared by Jesus as part of our being refreshed for the task ahead.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Wednesday, May 22 through Thursday, May 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "Summertime, and the livin' is easy."

    While many of us are taking a break from major duties and responsibilities, it is not all hammocks and lemonades. The months ahead bring us opportunities to continue to learn about our craft and its importance in the life of the Church. With Colloquium XXIII almost over and other symposiums coming in the months ahead, we have the opportunity to gather and strengthen each other, to join in a community of learning and fellowship, to break bread and drink wine both physically and spiritually.

    Let us pray for those who are continuing their educations in the many forums available this summer. Let us also pray for all to have a time of much needed respite away from our portions of the vineyard. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, June 22 through Sunday, June 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
    Thanked by 1IanW
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    The summer is almost complete, with a month to go before the autumn equinox. A new season of making music is right around the corner, with Labor Day our last break before we begin in earnest. While we may have celebrated some of the significant feasts of this month (Transfiguration, Assumption of the BWM, and Queenship of the BVM), we will be going at it in September.

    We have readied ourselves with a balance of rest and education, relaxation and planning, leisure and preparation. It is almost time to put our "thoughts" into "action". The first rehearsal draws near.

    We pray for those who continue in their current positions. We pray for those who have found a new vineyard to cultivate. We pray for all who will join us in "making a joyful noise unto the Lord". This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Thursday, August 22 through Friday, August 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "Those autumn leaves drift by my window...."

    That as well as cooling temperatures and the decorations for Hallowe'en (some even rivaling those displays seen for Christmas) tell us we are at the halfway mark of our preparations for the rest of the calendar year. The pace of preparation quickens, especially if you include readying for the feasts of Christ the King (either calendar), All Saints' Day, and/or All Souls' Day. Perhaps the more ambitious of us are even planning some kind of St. Cecilia festival.

    There is never a dull moment when involved with the liturgical calendar. With all that is ahead of us, we do well to keep each other in a prayer to sustain us as we perform our duties. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, October 22 through Wednesday, October 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.

    "From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!"
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Thanks so much for continuing these monthly novena reminders!

    And to all CMAA members,
    Happy Feast Day (Nov 22 Saint Cecilia).
  • "Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God our Creator triumphantly raise."

    The last month of the liturgical year is rather unique to us. We no sooner finish our All Saints/All Souls obligations (both professional and personal) and then look toward what is to come. Some may have a prayer service or concert based on today's patron saint. Some will go out with a bang on the Feast of Christ the King (as celebrated in the Ordinary Form). Some may have a little more music for the Votive Mass of Thanksgiving Day. And then by the time the tryptophan from the turkey wears off, it's the First Sunday of Advent and the final push to make ready the joyful noise for the Christmas Season.

    We wouldn't have it any other way. While we finish our remembrance of the Church Suffering, we also give thanks for the blessings bestowed on us and to those near and dear. And since we begin this novena on the Feast of St. Cecilia, may her intercession be more powerful. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Friday, November 22 through Saturday, November 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas and wish everyone a blessed and happy 2014.

    With Easter not until April 20 this year, there is a little more time to bask in the glow of our Christmas season triumphs and prepare for Holy Week. But there is also great opportunity for the rest of the liturgical year. Five feasts fall on Sunday this time around: the Feast of the Presentation (February 2), the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul (June 29), the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14), the Feast of All Souls (November 2), and the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (November 9). What wonderful opportunities to bring more to the ars celebrandi of these dates.

    As we set our sights toward the Triduum and beyond, let us unite our own private prayers with our fellow workers in whatever part of the musical vineyard we cultivate, to continue to give glory, praise, and thanksgiving to our triune God in the joyful noises we create. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Wednesday, January 22 through Thursday, January 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts. (My computer crashed in mid-December; I cannot access the hard drive where I store these attachments.)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • When one thinks of today's feast, we are drawn to the Proper settings to "Tu es Petrus". To think that one man, frail and flawed as he is (and don't you think for one moment those who have worn the Fisherman's Ring don't keenly and acutely realize this), has been given such power when he assumes his place on this cathedra is astonishing and awe-filled, to say the least. That he has the power of Heaven to sustain the weight of this office on his shoulders, to bear the burden of the Keys given to him, should console us as we execute our duties; we have that same strength available to us as to the Holy Father.

    We will need this comfort and assurance in the weeks to come. As we prepare for this upcoming Lenten Season and all it entails, both personally and professionally, let us draw on this resource in this manner to which we are accustomed.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, February 22 through Sunday, March 2 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "He is risen! He is risen indeed!"

    As we continue to celebrate our "Easter triumph, Easter joy", we reflect on the successes in aiding the ars celebrandi of the past few days. We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of those who helped "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" during the summit of the Church's liturgical year. While we rejoice in our salvation through Christ's resurrection, we also should be glad to have assisted in making this season truly as festive as possible.

    Yet the church musician always has an eye looking forward. Preparation has begun for the next big block of feast days to celebrate. No less important than Advent/Christmas/Epiphany or Lent/Triduum/Easter, Pentecost/Holy Trinity/Corpus Christi (and with the added bonus of SS Peter and Paul falling on a Sunday this year) gives us another opportunity to praise and worship our thrice-holy God. And let us not forget those who will receive our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time and those who will be gifted by the Holy Spirit seven-fold in Confirmation.

    The busy-ness continues. Let us pray for each other and the worthy execution of our art. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, April 22 through Wednesday, April 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    In the merry, merry, month of May, a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we come to the end (for many of us) of our duties as ones who raise a voice in song (either vocally or instrumentally) for our Holy Mother Church. And what a way to exit come this June: Ascension (Thursday/Sunday), Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi (Thursday/Sunday), and SS Peter and Paul. Talk about a month of Sundays!

    While we may fuss and fret over the other two big blocks of liturgical time which demand our attention, these coming feasts require no less of our energy to make them as worthy of celebrating. They can be just as spectacular as what we do around December 25 and the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Church truly knows how to celebrate; hopefully, we are caught in that same Spirit that guides all our liturgical activities.

    Let us finish with a flourish. Let us do what we always do--give our all to God. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Thursday, May 22 through Friday, May 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    (ducking) I am heartily sick of trivial music being treated as venerable chant.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    At least you don't need to worry about the interval tuning!
    Thanked by 1mrcopper
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    And so another busy part of the liturgical year comes to a close, and with it (for quite a few, if not many) the end of the choral singing season. And what a way to finish. Every Sunday in this month celebrated a significant if not major feast. And let us not forget the birthday of St. John the Baptist (Ut queant laxis anyone?).

    The pace will slow considerably when the next calendar page is turned. Ever an eye on the future, while it is a time to balance rest with preparation, as has been mentioned before in this thread, it is not a slack time. Summer is a season of learning, of refreshment. of revitalization. Opportunities will arise and we will choose the best option for ourselves. And it will be a short window; September will be here before we realize.

    Let us pray for all who have worked their portion of the vineyard the past year, that they may enjoy the fruits of their labors even as they prepare for the next harvest. Let us pray for new laborers to join us. And with Colloquium XXIV beginning at the end of this novena, may those in attendance be renewed in mind and spirit, gleaning all the blessings they can from those "seven days of musical heaven". This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Sunday, June 22 through Monday, June 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • (ducking) I am heartily sick of trivial music being treated as venerable chant.

    Really, haven't you insulted us all, as well as the music that we love, enough - must you carry on even here, where prayer is asked for and given?
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    It's the middle of summer. Various states of weather are being "enjoyed". A slower pace in our musical lives is at hand. Yet, we are not static. This is also the time to dream and scheme. We think of ways to stretch our musical growth and of those who support us. We seek compositions which are worthy of the temple. And we have an eye on September, when executing our plans begin in earnest.

    While the living may be easier, the cycle of our liturgical existence is still at work. As we simultaneously balance rest and relaxation with preparation and performance, this part of the Church Militant continues to make its humble but important offerings. As we are mystically all in this together, the power of intercession is made more relevant.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, July 22 through Wednesday, July 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    Thanks for these reminders.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "Salve, Regina...."

    Just for something upon which to meditate, what might have God said to Mary upon her arrival in Heaven?

    "Welcome, my Daughter; welcome, my Mother; welcome, my Spouse."

    Intercessory prayer. Perhaps the most common form of our heavenly requests. While those of us use this litany on a consistent basis, we always have recourse to anyone in the Church Triumphant. Leading the way is the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let us not forget her advice at Cana when we beseech her.

    Regina coeli et terra, ora pro nobis.

    It seems like we have much about which to pray, both "locally" and "universally". For many of us, "locally" our duties begin in earnest in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we will have fruitful vineyards and workers who will be eager to assist in the harvest. Some are entering different vineyards in various stages of development. A few vineyards need a new caretaker and all that entails.

    It is that time of the year. Let us pray for the grace to accomplish well what we are asked to do. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Friday, August 22 through Saturday, August 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    (NB: Memory indeed is a sad privilege. I have to find a way to remember to do this consistently; the 22nd. seems to sneak past me at times. Mea cupla.)

    Autumn has settled in her place as well as the routine of rehearsals and liturgical duties. Hopefully progress is being made spiritually as well as musically, as individuals and ensembles. Perhaps final preparations are being made in regard to Christ the King (EF), All Souls, and Lateran. All the while the Ghost of Christmas Future hovers in the corner, waiting to be the Ghost of Christmas Present. (With apologies to Boz; Hallowe'en is fast approaching as well.)

    Let us continue to sustain each other in prayer. In a month dedicated to the Rosary, we also make recourse to our other favorite female saint. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Wednesday, October 22 through Thursday, October 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.

    "From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!"
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • "Come, ye thankful people, come. Raise the song of harvest home."

    And so another liturgical year comes to a close and the next beckons. No sooner than we put the finishing touches on November's festivities, December's celebrations need attention. As the vision of the Four Last Things fades, the four weeks of Advent come into view. As the month-long remembrance of the Church Suffering concludes, the month-long preparation for the remembrance of our Savior's birth begins.

    Such is the life cycle of a church musician. With a time and purpose to every liturgical season, we attempt to keep at least a step ahead. Yet "it is right and just" to pause and take inventory of what has been accomplished and give thanks for all that has been done. With Thanksgiving Day (in the United States) right around the corner, it becomes the perfect holiday for us who work in the musical vineyards to take a respite from our labor and celebrate with family and friends not only these blessings but all those bestowed upon us by God.

    "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God." Let us also be strengthened for the task ahead--the worthy celebration of the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season. This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, November 22 through Sunday, November 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Nov 22 Saint Cecilia so Happy Feast Day everyone!
    (In honor of our patron our novenas always begin on the 22 of each month.)
  • A little late for the feast day, but here's the tomb of St Cecilia at her basilica in Rome with the statue by Maderno (1600). The arrangement is said to be based on the position in which her remains were found. With prayers and best wishes for CMAA members and supporters.

    Thanked by 3Kathy CHGiffen eft94530
  • It is not quite ero cras, but it is close.

    And what comes but none other than the Christ Child, St. Nick in his "modern" form, and the culmination of weeks of preparation and rehearsal for the celebration of the liturgies. The hard work of all who "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" this time of the year is now rewarded. This gift we present to God for His glorification and the congregation for their spiritual edification will hopefully be of the best we have.

    As the calendar year concludes, we give thanks for all the blessings bestowed upon us the past twelve months. As we look ahead to 2015, we ask for the grace to sustain us in all our endeavors both professionally and personally. And for the rest of the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season, as He has shown His love and mercy in the Incarnation, may we praise our Triune God with all our being.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, December 22 through Wednesday, December 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Where has the time gone? Why, just last post, it only a few days before Christmas. Now, it's only a week before Holy Week and the great liturgies associated with the Triduum. (And, again, mea culpa for the absence the past two months).

    As we enter what is truly for church musicians "the most wonderful time of the liturgical year", we hope and pray our preparations have gone well and are ready to make a joyful noise unto the Lord in remembrance of His passion, death, and resurrection. We seek to glorify God and edify the congregation in our worship, especially the Elect who join the Church Militant at the Easter Vigil. Most of all, we humbly offer the fruits of our labors this Lenten Season as we let our musical prayers rise like incense for those eight days.

    Let us be there at Jerusalem, the Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, Calvary, and the tomb both times. Let your "allelulias" ring out. Let our joy be complete.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Sunday, March 22 through Monday, March 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.

    (NB: Well, it was March 22 when I posted, albeit late that night.)
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

    As we near the midway point of the Easter Season, "alleluias" still ringing in our churches, ears, and hearts, we are also mindful of the next set of feast days looming in May and early June, not to mention celebrations of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The third jewel of our liturgical "triple crown" (Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi) is also for many the end of a choir's singing "season". How fitting there is a focus on some of the greatest truths of the Faith. How we musically present them to our congregations could speak just as well as the homilies delivered. Rather than coasting toward the finish line, we expend as much energy in our preparation as we do for the other two major season.

    Such is our calling; such, our call. Glorification and edification. Worship and adoration. Praise and honor. Goodness, beauty, and truth is ours to display at all times, no matter what time it is in the liturgical calendar. As we still celebrate the Resurrection, let us ready ourselves for a wonderful culmination of our efforts.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Wednesday, April 22 through Thursday, April 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "And now the end is near...."

    Liturgically speaking, we are nearing the end of the Ascension/Pentecost/Trinity/Corpus Christi season. Singing wise, many choirs are near the end of their singing duties for this school year. Personally and professionally, we look back and review our efforts and look forward to the making of plans for upcoming liturgies. And for some, they are ending personal and/or professional relationships, either looking for new vineyards or leaving one for the last time.

    Yes, Janus resides in late May/early June as well as the end of December. It is another time of reflection and thanksgiving for all that has been accomplished beforehand. It is a time to be grateful to those who have given their talents in the service of this noble art. It is a time to take measure of what has been so we can begin to measure what can better be.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Friday, May 22 through Saturday, May 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Ah, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

    On this second day of summer and the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist looming (Ut queant laxis anyone?), the pace of our musical activities has slowed for many of us. While it is a time to recharge our own batteries, it is also an opportunity to look ahead to what we can do to make upcoming celebrations of our liturgies more reverent and beautiful. In the busy-ness that marks our lives as church musicians, it is an opportunity to take a step back and honestly assess the progress and direction we are traveling professionally and personally.

    It is this time between Corpus Christi and the Assumption that we can focus on our well being. We will find those things to enhance our existence and essence in the next few months. The time to accept Jesus' invitation to step away and be refreshed will take many forms, often as retreats brilliantly disguised as workshops, where the workings of our Triune God along with the synergy of the company of our colleagues will do wonders for body, mind, heart, and soul.

    Let us pray for all who will make the most of this time of rejuvenation. Let us pray for those who will further their knowledge our the sacred arts in the various educational forums available. Let us also pray for those who will descend upon Pittsburgh in the next two weeks (the Summer Chant Intensive and the Colloquium), that their time will be fruitful. (And for those who are there, please keep the rest of us in your prayers.)

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Monday, June 22 through Tuesday, June 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    And just as quickly as the summer started, it is just about over.

    For those of us who has taken a hiatus to refresh ourselves, we will rejoin our colleagues in the musical vineyards shortly. Rest has always been prescribed: the Sabbath in terms of the seventh day and the seventh year, the invitation of our Lord to the seventy-two after their journeys, even the times Jesus spent away from the crowd. We are, after all, human beings, not human "doings"; we exist so we can do, not do so we can exist.

    As we make ready for the upcoming months, with an eye towards "now" and "later" (after all, isn't Labor Day immediately after the First Sunday of Advent?), we pray for all who continue to give of their time to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord". We welcome those who join us for the first time in this endeavor. We wish success in our efforts, however that is measured. And we pray for those are in a new vineyard, that they may produce abundant fruit.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, August 22 through Sunday, August 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • With the autumnal equinox right around the corner, we perhaps have noticed the gradual change in the weather and the foliage. Subtle and incremental, it is the progression of our time on earth as we march toward eternity. Sometimes there are abrupt intrusions, such as a cold snap, which gets our attention.

    So it is in the liturgical cycle. As we move toward the end of this calendar year, the routine of Ordinary Time is occasionally disrupted by a feast of great significance (e.g.--the Exaltation of the Holy Cross this month). It is those celebrations which remind us of where we are "on earth as it is in heaven". And while we have settled into our routines of rehearsal and performance of our duties, it is good to have such a change of pace when called upon to play our role in these extra-ordinary times. Let us pray for each other, that we may worthily continue to be good stewards of our musical gifts and to utilize them ad majorem Dei gloriam.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, September 22 through Wednesday, September 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany may be found in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!"

    As daylight continues to diminish, our preparations continue to intensify. While Christmas may only be two months away, there are still plenty of feast days which require our attention between now and then. Balancing the present with the future is just a normal part of our existence as a church musician, a skill we adeptly and adroitly execute.

    As we get ready to honor the Communion of Saints, meditate upon the Four Last Things, and give our King His due, let us continue to pray for the health and well-being of each other. Let us also pray for the continued growth and success of our endeavors and that our music will strive to be worthy of the temple in which they are heard.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Thursday, October 22 through Friday, October 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided. (I finally copied them to the computer I currently use; my originals are still in limbo.)
  • "Out with the old; in with the new!"

    And so we come to the close of this liturgical year. And we exit the same way we enter--with dignity and honor, glory and praise, joy and adoration. While our work in this vineyard ebbs and flows with the seasons, our intent and purpose remains constant. Giving God His due in every liturgy will always be a labor of love, the results of which, while we may gain some recognition here on Earth, will only be know when we reach Heaven. We hope our musical offerings produce a harvest of 30-, 60-, or a 100-fold.

    As we head toward our final preparations for the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Season and we in the United States can take a bit of a break with our Thanksgiving Day, we can be grateful for what has been accomplished and look forward to what we hope to achieve. I think this is a special time for this novena, as we are able to begin it on the feast day of the patroness for whom we ask for her intercession. May our prayers bring the grace needed to fulfill our duties in the coming month.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Sunday, November 22 through Monday, November 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • "Adeste fideles, laeti triumphantes."

    And so we are just two days away from one of our "most wonderful times of the year." A daunting tasks seemingly awaits us--the musical execution of at least three (perhaps four) Masses in the space of about 18-20 hours. But that is why we do this. We give a gift not of earthly material but rather from our soul. We assist our congregations in proclaiming this joy to the world. We give voice to one of our greatest celebrations in the liturgical year. We welcome a King as He should be welcomed.

    It is a culmination of many months of planning and rehearsals, of worrying about every little detail. But we know the results will be worth it. It is also our opportunity to to give thanks for the many blessing we have received in the past twelve months and pray God will grant us more in the coming year. As we end the calendar year on a high note with our celebration of the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season, we echo what Charles Dickens wrote, "God bless us. God bless us, everyone."

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, December 22 through Wednesday, December 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    "Venite adoramus, Dominum."
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Has it been that long since a reminder has been posted? Talk about falling asleep at the switch. My sincerest apologies for the lack of attention to this task; I hope those who are faithful to this novena have continued with it.

    So much has happened in the past five months. The Lent/Triduum/Easter season has been celebrated in all its range of glory, culminating with a great "alleluia" as He Is Risen. The Ascension/Pentecost/Trinity/Corpus Christi season is about to come to a close, celebrating the beginnings of the Church here on earth and some of its greatest doctrines. Those who have "summer vacations" are about to begin them shortly.

    We acknowledge what has been accomplished in our own vineyards through prayer and practice, inspiration and perspiration, harmony and hard work. We give thanks we have made our contributions to our liturgies, no matter how great or small. We are ready to go to that out of the way spot to refresh and renew ourselves. We rejoice with those with whom we travel on this path in our journey toward heaven. Indeed, it is a time to reflect and humbly acknowledge how we have served God and His church.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Sunday, May 22 through Monday, May 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    With a more relaxed pace to the liturgical calendar, these are more the "lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer" for church musicians. The balance of rest and planning for the upcoming fall and winter liturgies comes into play. While those who still have their work to do in their vineyards for the next few weeks continue to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord", the preparation is not nearly as intense.

    It is a time to renew our strengths. It is an opportunity to seek opportunities for growth and development, as those in St. Louis and Pittsburgh are/will do in this time. It is a time of reflection as to how best to continue in our respective roles. Let us pray we take the Lord's invitation to find that "out of the way place" where we can be revived.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Wednesday, June 22 through Thursday, June 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Well it is almost too late for this novena announcement,
    but prayer is always a good idea, especially as our
    liturgical music forces return from summer holidays
    and schools resume, and some of us no doubt face challenges.

    Mon Aug 22 thru Tue Aug 30 inclusive
    See the above post for complete prayers but at least:
    Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • As we are now back to our routines for the next 9-10 months, with one eye on the present and the other towards the future, we realize how much we have to accomplish. There is the introduction of new: those who have joined us in this portion of the vineyard, those who are tending a different vineyard, and repertoire that will give glory to God and spiritual growth to those who are touched by it. We fret about how much time we don't have (wasn't Labor Day and the first Monday of Advent one in the same?). Yet we welcome this return to the rhythm of rehearsal and execution; for those who have made this a lifetime journey (as paid professional or devoted volunteer), it has been missed.

    As we assist others in the public prayer of the Church, let us assist each other by offering strength and encouragement, sharing both joys and sorrows. Let us be Simon of Cyrene as much as we can. Let us be part of the great chorus of the Church Militant as we audition for a place in the tenth choir (the choirs of angels being the other nine) of the Church Triumphant.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Thursday, September 22 through Friday, September 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided in previous posts.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!"

    In a somewhat whimsical variation of the final petition of the Our Father, we draw closer to the beginning of November, a month traditionally dedicated to the Four Last Things. While still in the midst of preparations for the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Season, the Church will remind us there is no life with Christ without death in Him. Our choices on a spiritual level will be reflected in our Final Judgement. The state of our souls when the end arrives, purgatory notwithstanding, is still the most daunting of 50/50 propositions.

    It is the time of the year where the Communion of Saints is brought to the forefront in a most glorious manner. The intercession of prayers between Church Militant, Church Suffering, and Church Triumphant is so comforting and encouraging that we cannot be helped but to be drawn into more fervent petitions. Let us continue to pray for one another, those who are undergoing their final perfecting, and our own souls as well.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, October 22 through Sunday, October 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided in previous posts.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Happy feast day to everyone. Saint Cecilia, pray for us.
    As November comes to an end, let's also remember the souls of CMAA members, teachers, mentors, heros, who went before us.

    Today's antiphon for Lauds:
    As dawn brought the end of night, blessed Cecilia cried out: Arise, soldiers of Christ! Cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light, Alleluia.
    Thanked by 2eft94530 CHGiffen
  • "Lord of all, to you we raise this, our gift of grateful praise."

    We head into final preparations for the upcoming Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season, all the while maintaining our normal liturgical rhythm during this past month. While celebrating the Communion of Saints and the King Who reigns over all, we get ready to welcome that same King as a lowly Infant. And just as we have finished this liturgical year, the next begins subtly as well as suddenly.

    As we take this time to catch our breath before the final push, we also (here in the United States) has an opportunity to pause and reflect on the many blessing God has bestowed upon us and give thanks to Him for the same. While every Mass is an act of thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday in November is a reminder to do what the opening line requests. And with this novena starting on the feast day to whom we ask for her intercession and carrying beyond the First Sunday of Advent, may our prayers for ourselves and others be graciously answered.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Tuesday, November 22 through Wednesday, November 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Thu Dec 22 thru Fri Dec 30 inclusive
    See the above post for complete prayers but at least:
    Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New (calendar) Year to all!

    With a bit more breathing room between major liturgical blocks this year, the pace of preparation now starts to build again. With a grateful heart for what was accomplished and an eye for what is to be, we resume our roles in whatever liturgical stations of life we occupy. We can relax for a time, but we know that Ash Wednesday comes sooner than we think, never mind the Feast of the Presentation.

    Let us pray for the continued grace and love to do what we do. Let us pray that our humble offerings will show improvement artistically and spiritually. Let us also pray we may become even more worthy caretakers of the vineyard in which we joyfully labor.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Sunday, January 22 through Monday, January 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany can be found in previous posts.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members
    Wed Mar 22 through Thu Mar 30 (inclusive)

    Scroll up a few posts to retrieve PDFs for complete prayers but at least:
    Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us!

    Do join in even if starting late (like me!).
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    "He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!"

    (The joke goes while Jesus is risen, the organist and choir are dead.)

    As we come to the conclusion of the Easter Octave (as well as the Divine Mercy Novena), marking the end of another high point in our liturgical celebrations, our joy, like those of that first Easter Sunday, is unbound and unbridled. We place all our faith, hope, and trust in this singular event, hitching our star to "the Morning Star that never sets." As our "alleluias" ring until Pentecost, we join our earthly song to the eternal "hosanna" the angels proclaim.

    As the fulfillment of our salvation, Christianity's focal point, is remembered, we ready ourselves to celebrate other significant events and teachings coming in the next two months. While our work to praise our Triune God seems never to cease (a foretaste of heaven), we continue to do it what is right and just in our worship of God alone. Let us give thanks for what we have done to truly worship Him as well as the strength and perseverance to ready ourselves for more worthy celebration.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Saturday, April 22 through Sunday, April 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be; Saint Cecilia, pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    As we approach the end of the Easter Season and make our preparations for the celebration of the Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Corpus Christi (dates will vary according to location and rite calendar), as well as celebrations of First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and (for some of us) Holy Orders, many of us also come to end of our choir "season". To end with this flurry of activity is truly right and just, our joy and duty (and a help to our salvation). The last ten months have seen us plant our seeds of adoration and worship into various soils; some of the fruits of which may not be seen on this side of heaven. We can only trust God will take our "gifts of grateful praise" and multiply them 30-, 60-, or 100-fold.

    Let us give thanks for what we have humbly achieved. Let us thank those who have served with us, especially those who will leave their vineyards for the last time. Let us pray the works of our hands and voices in these next few weeks worthily add to the polyphony of the eternal song in heaven.

    This is an invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members from Monday, May 22 through Tuesday, May 30 inclusive.

    Do join in; even limited daily prayer (Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be; Saint Cecilia, pray for us) is welcome!

    Attachments for both the spoken and chanted forms of the litany are provided.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen eft94530
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Invitation to pray a novena with other CMAA members
    Thu Jun 22 through Fri Jun 30 (inclusive)

    Scroll up a few posts to retrieve PDFs
    for complete prayers but at least:
    Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Saint Cecilia pray for us!
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    No need to scroll to find copies of the PDFs.

    They are right here.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Perhaps chonak or some other admin
    could put the two files into a permanent place
    so they could be referred to by URL rather than uploaded repeatedly?
    Thanked by 1Casavant Organist