Psalm for Ss. Phillip and James
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    Dear Colleagues,

    I am in need of a musical setting of the responsorial psalm for tomorrows Feast of Ss. Phillip and James. The only other time the psalm makes an appearance in the lectionary is on the Vigil of Ss. Peter and Paul. However, I'm not able to locate any musical settings of it. I'll compose one if need be, but I thought it would be easier to just see if anyone else already has! Ideally it would be modal and use neumes.


    Adam S.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Oops. Posted the wrong Psalm. Sorry, can't help you here.
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    I'm great with that....but the assigned psalm is 19:2-5.
  • Richard R.
    Posts: 776
    Here is mine.
  • Mode II (SATB, no neumes)
    RP-6.06.28 Ss Peter and Paul (Vigil).pdf
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    Thank you Gentlemen!