Ambrosian Litanies and Gelasian Intercessions
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Does anyone have a copy of the Ambrosian Lenten litanies "Divinae pacis" and "Dicamus omnes" and the Gelasian Intercessions, or direct me to someone who has? Please, I really need a copy of these litanies for the next book I am typesetting. Thanks
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    By Gelasian Intercessions do you mean the "Deprecatio Gelasii"?
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    If that is in the form of a litany, then that is what I am looking for.
  • I have the book, in unpublished manuscript form, LITANIAE IN CANTU (Solesmes, undated, but from the 1980's). One of the Litanies begins with the words "Divinae pacis" and continues with the words "et indulgentiae munera flagitantes". At least 3 of the other litanies begin with "Dicamus omnes". They are all written in Gregorian notation. If this sounds like what you might be looking for, please contact me, I'd be happy to make copies for you.
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Sir, yes, Sir, that is what I sorely need!
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    The Divinae pacis is also in the Cantus Selecti on p.54A* (pdf p. 65). I only have the text to the Deprecatio Gelasii, though.