Prayers for Fr. Cody Unterseher
  • From PrayTell:
    News has reached us that our fellow-contributor and friend, Fr. Cody Unterseher, fell seriously ill yesterday and is hospitalized. His parents have flown in to New York to be with him during this critical time. We invite you to join with all of us at Pray Tell and with his parish community (Christ Church, Bronxville) in praying for Fr. Cody and his family.
    Let us all enjoin our petitions for father's health with our colleagues at PTB.
  • The death of the Rev. Mr. Unterseher was reported by his alma mater,The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church:

    With sadness and a profound awareness of the frailty of our life, we report the death of the Rev. Cody Unterseher, a 2008 STM graduate of General. Fr. Unterseher, a priest associate at Christ Church, Bronxville, and a doctoral candidate at the University of Notre Dame died at 5:36 pm April 25, 2012. He suffered a cerebral aneurism last week and then endured a number of related crises. He was 36 years old.

    Let us pray that Jesus, who feeds us forever with his very Self, will welcome Fr. Unterseher to the heavenly banquet where saints and angels feast; and let us pray that his parents and all who loved him will be comforted by a sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, won for us in the Paschal Mystery of the Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord.

    Even at the grave we sing our Alleluias, for the Lord is risen. He is risen indeed.

    The Rev. Canon Patrick Malloy, PhD
    Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Liturgics

    Father Unterseher will be lying in repose in the Chapel of the Guardian Angel, which is on the lower level of Christ Church, Bronxville, on Friday April 27. ( Visiting hours will be determined tomorrow).

    A Mass of the Resurrection will be held on Saturday April 28 at 10:30 am at Christ Church, with interment in North Dakota.
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
    May eternal light shine upon him.