Do you mean the solemn tone of the dialogs? You are free to use those any time (personally, I'd use them for all Masses on Sunday, use the simple for weekdays). I'm not sure what you are referring to.
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
I'm using the one I always call "Alleluia 8G", in some books it says Chant Mode VI. It's number 237 in Worship III. I've recently learned (correctly I hope) that it's the Alleluia for the Easter Season.
While the Eastertide Alleluia is the preferred, I am using the OCP Responsorial Psalms and Alleluias. They only use the 3-fold Alleluia for the Easter Vigil. Our priest is fine with it and he is very conservative.
I like Melchior Vulpius's jaunty threefold alleluia as a refrain, and I've set the verse-texts from the Gregorian Missal to the remainder of the hymn each week.
Here are I. & II. Easter (which, yes, I know, have already gone by). There will be more - I just haven't set them yet...
Wow! Those are really pretty. I'd have to transpose them down a bit.... 9000000000000000000000999999999999i... Whoops, sorry. Cat walked on the keyboard...
Also check out the Graduale Simplex there are some very useful alternatives to the Mode 6 Alleluia (which is really a refrain for Psalm 150 at the Easter Vigil communion procession).
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