I am so grateful for our choir!
  • I'm sitting here, grateful for the kind of choir members at the parish and praying for them.
    Out of curiosity, I decided to count the volunteer hours they put in from Palm Sunday- Easter Vigil...
    Schola members- 20.5
    Choir, nonschola members- 15.5

    That's dedication! I am so grateful for their work. This group has great humor and liturgical focus at the same time. They know why they do what they do. Though it's still a newish choir (1-3 years together) and musical goals are many, they are growing well in all areas and have a servant attitude. I am truly edified and humbled to be their director.

    Tomorrow night, instead of rehearsal, it's a music and dessert party at my house, with our fine organist Spencer and Fr. Joel Kiefer at the piano to accompany singing and play a some piano solos. In between wine and goodies, I intend to get all sappy and let them know how special they are.
  • I have always averred that choirs are one of the proofs of the existence of God that Aquinas neglected to mention. The ones I normally have in mind are some of the great English cathedral choirs and such, but often it is the dedication of choirs such as yours and the sound of heaven for which they are the chosen conduits. There are no more dedicated (and bonded!) church organisations than choirs. When at their best, their music making is an audible, a phonic icon. Do heap praise upon them!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Two of my choir members told that they enjoyed Holy Week. One said "It was fun!" They worked so very hard, and it was fun! I love my choirs.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Plus four, MA, Jackson and Kathy. The nucleus of our choirs' membership has been together 18 years! Many of them have done double duty with multiple choirs for that long as well. I've not always been such a good and patient teacher and leader over those years, but they've forgiven me time and time again and always brought their A game to the task of praising God through this wonderful art we celebrate here.
    To them and to all who visit here I recall the advice my dear friend Kathy above said to me recently: "Thank you." is always nice to say, and great to hear.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,187
    This was my first Triduum in the "Holyland" of Kentucky and the choir had never sung the Triduum. There was much WBC (whine, bitch and complain) from them at first, but after they sang it, they were very happy with themselves. They put forth a very heavy programme (chant, Durufle, Bruckner, and Handel) and though exhausted at the end (4 days of singing), they were bonded in a way I think that even they were surprised at. I too, hold forth the notion that choirs are proof of the existence of God. A big thank you was said and bourbon and chocolates are the order of the day for their next gathering. After all,we are in the bourbon lands.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    My choir has a couple of members who were part of the Men's Choir before Vatican II. Granted, they are getting up there in years. While some of us are younger - not by much - the workload is fairly heavy. For Thursday, Friday, Easter Vigil - which lasted 3 and 1/2 hours, BTW - and Easter morning, they trudged up the steep winding stairs to the loft and sang beautifully. Yes, we were all exhausted, but I am so grateful for them.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    "They worked so very hard, and it was fun!"

    Our culture totally neglects how much pleasure comes from important work, well done. We tend to believe that work and pleasure are opposites, but nothing's further from the truth.
  • Carl's right. Many organists of today got their start playing home organs in the 1950's but as manufacturers added more and more easy play features, serious people lost interest.

    Also during that time amplification of singers and modern recording made it possible for singers to make a living singing without any ability to produce volume and as a result the art of singing has been lost to a huge degree.

    Prior to that time, when you stood near a successful singer, their abilities to produce large amounts of sound could be felt in your body. So singers, in most cases, were born and trained rather than made out of plastic.
  • Carl, excellent point! I take great joy in hard work. Even though I'm employed in a small parish, and won't get a lot of credit/fame/ whathaveyou, I understand that we're singing for the glory of God and the edification of the faithful. That's really important work.

    As our priests remind us, there is no higher work, and no higher gift, given to man than the worship of God. That truth consoles me and spurs me on when I'm discouraged or tired.
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • Noel, it's true what you say about organists and singers and the lost art of training. Your comments about singers and the recording industry are true. There is no silver bullet or easy button in real artistry. There is no subsitute for fine mentors and blood, sweat, and tears. And then it all needs to be maintained...

    What you said about singers making the body shake is funny. I know I'm singing higher notes with optimal resonance when my husband tells me his brain is shaking. :)
  • What an awesome idea to throw them a party! I just might do that too, but a little later. After we've all had about a month to sleep...
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,507
    We always have an end of the year party. Someone brings an accordion, another a guitar, a violin and cello make the cut and we dance and sing and eat. The church pays for the catering and someone volunteers to host. It is good fun.
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    We have a party on the Saturday evening around St. Cecilia's Day in our choir. We sing at a sunday vigil mass (we are a large group of parishes with few priests, so there is none in the provost's church) and then go to the former chapter room (our usual practice room), have dinner and celebrate.
    Thanked by 1canadash