OF Sequence on Second Sunday of Easter??
  • Claire H
    Posts: 370

    First, thank you (again) for patiently receiving yet another question thread from me. :)

    Different sources seem to read differently...

    One Diocesan website says this:

    "The Ordo reminds us that the Easter Sequence is to be sung or recited during the entire
    Octave of Easter (Easter Sunday through the Second Sunday of Easter inclusive)."


    But other places say "required on Easter Sunday and optional through the Second Sunday of Easter".

  • Liam
    Posts: 5,139
    I thought the Sequence was an option from Easter Monday through Easter Saturday, but not part of the final day of the octave.
  • I believe it is required on Easter Sunday, and optional for the rest of the octave, inclusive of the Second Sunday of Easter. All the GIRM says is that it is required on Easter Sunday and Pentecost. It is silent on the rest.

    I like to do it each day throughout the octave to highlight the idea that the octave is one big feast. YMMV.
  • CGM
    Posts: 709
    I asked the O.P.'s (Dominican Friars) about this at my parish last year, and received the intriguing answer that technically, an "octave" is really nine days, starting from the Vigil (Saturday) through Sunday, all of the ensuing week, and the following Sunday (the ninth day).

    Regarding the Victimæ paschali, it is not used during the Easter Vigil, but it is required on Easter Sunday, and then optional through the remainder of the octave. I have heard it recited at daily Masses during this time, and we sang it for both Easter Sunday and the Second Sunday of Easter. Its use is to be encouraged - but (alas!) it is not a requirement (except for Easter Sunday).
  • CGM
    Posts: 709
    Hello, all. Just in case anyone is still interested in this topic, a colleague of mine pointed me to the answer:

    In the Ordo Cantus Missae, published in 1970, revised in 1974 and again in 1988, instruction §78 reads, in part,

    Post Alleluia, Sequentia Victimæ paschali; in diebus infra octavam ad libitum dicitur.

    A scan of the 1988 revision of the Ordo is online here. See PDF p.47. Anyone want to download the document and then upload it to MusicaSacra's online library?

    It strikes me as a little funny that everyone knows that the sequence can be sung for the duration of the Easter Octave, and yet the rubrical source of the practice is so relatively obscure...
    Thanked by 1eft94530