Respect my diversity
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 146
    For Chris, Renata and all of our wonderful lunchtime companions, here is what my Latinist has to say re: our new slogan- 'Respect my diversity':

    "A good rendering would be: meam varietatem salutate
    (the verb salutare meaning respect in the sense of 'pay respect to')

    Another might be: meam varietatem veremini
    (the verb vereor meaning respect in the sense of 'respect out of fear or awe')"

    Feel free to use whichever suits your fancy.

  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Am I correct in hearing that in my head as uttered by a cartoon character, say, one whom one would encounter on the Comedy Channel?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 146
    Well darlin', I can't take responsibility for those voices in your head. ;) Besides, my head is still ringing with the music of the colloquium. BTW, it was a pleasure to meet you. Only 51 more weeks to go until next year!
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    "Well darlin', I can't take responsibility for those voices in your head."

    Shhhhhhhhhh... I'm trying to keep that under wraps. (The existence of the voices, not my head.)
    "it was a pleasure to meet you."
    Right back at ya!

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)