Chant notation for Clarum Decus Jejuni?
  • scholistascholista
    Posts: 109
    While singing The Glory Of These Forty Days today at Mass, I noticed its Latin title Clarum Decus Jejuni and that it was written in the 6th century by Gregory I. I thought this would be a good addition to the lenten repertoire of our schola, so I went looking for this as a gregorian chant. Although I found the Latin words (below), I have not been able to find this put to chant notation anywhere. Any suggestions?

    Also, I noted that the meter of the hymn is 8888, and so it will lend itself to chant melodies like Christe Redemptor Omnium, Te lucis ante terminum and Christe, qui, splender et dies. Is there any precedent for singing pre-chant Latin hymns to later chant melodies?

    Clarum Decus Jejuni.png
    348 x 617 - 132K
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    You can find it on page 13 in this PDF document, part of the project "Music of the Sarum Office".
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,804
    This Hymn can also be found in "Hymn Melodies for the whole year from the Sarum service books" with a slightly different interpretation of the melody in the link above.

    The global chant database has 4 melodies listed for this Hymn, Including one from the Augsburg Antiphonal.

    I would see no problem setting it to other Melodies for the same meter if you prefer them.

    It is quite common for Hymns to be sung to many different melodies, and at least some of the melodies would be more recent than the text.

    When I get time I will have a go a setting this to the various melodies...
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    Did this hymn ever appear in the Roman Breviary? What was its original use (Lauds, Matins, Vespers)?