Tantum Ergo, Mozarabic (Old Spanish)
  • Does anyone have a Finale version of the Mozarabic setting of the Tantum Ergo (Liber Usualis, 1962: "Spanish Chant," p. 1852) or any accompaniment?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    Here's a PDF of the chant, transposed. I can't upload the Finale 2012 file of the score, so if you want it, e-mail me: chg4k (at) y a h o o (dot) c o m.

    The score includes a blank grandstaff for filling in an accompaniment (I haven't written one yet). I can also provide a PDF with just the chant.
    Tantum Ergo-Spanish chant.pdf
  • You are a godsend! Please send the PDF with just the chant.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,211
    Here you go! Glad to be of help.
    Tantum Ergo-Spanish chant only.pdf
  • Thanks again.