Terms to be forever forgotten
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,170
    Thanks, Andrew. I already know that "pirerogi" is the plural of "pierog", but gave a nod to our American (in)sensibilities. I apologize for the grammatical blunder.

    Of course, I'm as much used to "varenyky" as to "pierogi" - and I've made quite a few in my day, as well as a number of "pysanky", "holubtsi/golebki", "nalysnyky", "chlodnik", and (how can I forget, 'tis the time of the year!) "kielbasa/kovbasa" (including, of course, "krakowska" and "kabanosy").

    Have a Holy Lent and a Blessed Easter!
  • You too. I was just taking the opportunity to slip in a pet peeve.

    Mara, a single one is a pierog, and the singular of golabki is golabek.
  • Funny thread. Here we go:

    VIBRANT (when referring to the community) This tops my list.
    Winning their hearts (when justifying the use of Spirit and Song)
    Beautiful but dead (when opposing the use of Gregorian chant)
    It doesn't work (talking about Gregorian chant)
    Sharing their gifts (about the 7-guitar ensemble of teenagers who learned to play guitar 3 weeks ago)

    More later.
  • expeditus1
    Posts: 483
    Heaven knows, Gustavo, that I unloaded my gifts on 'em - all 3 of my gifts: the C, F, and G chords.
  • deleted by poster
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Has anyone mentioned "Cantor" yet; because, except in the rare occasions when parishes actually Sing the propers, a man (in the archaic sense, i.e. "human being") with a warble of a minor third crooning "All I ask of you" into a microphone is not a "Cantor".

    Theres also "nice" or "pretty" (referring to music).

    Also saying that the priest says Mass with his "back to the people" (always used in a derogatory way) in reference to a Mass said Ad Orientem.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,170
      with his "back to the people"

    It is a shame that this is used to deride the practice of saying Mass Ad Orientem.

    On this Ascension Day - or on this Sunday when Ascension is celebrated, if transferred, we should remember the Communion Antiphon for Ascension:

      Sing ye to God, who mounteth above the heaven of heavens, to the east. Alleluia.
      Psallite Domino, qui ascendit super caelos caelorum ad Orientem. Alleluia.

    How else should the priest "orient" himself except "ad orientem" (to the east)?

    Pun warning: It's no Occident that it's this way.
    Thanked by 1Ally
  • The Great Amen is properly referred to as.... what? Just the Amen?
  • Also, our Parish refers to the combination of all our choirs, directors, cantors, instrumentalists, etc. as the "music ministry". Should we be called something else?
  • Reval
    Posts: 181
    - -
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    Has anyone mentioned...

    folk Mass
    guitar Mass
    song leaders
    liturgy committee
  • Gathering Space
    Worship Space
    Presider's Chair
    Responsorial Psalm
    Gospel Acclamation (attached to the proper Alleluia, rather than the Gloria/Laus tibi)
    Liturgy of the Table
    Table of the Word
    Preparation of the Gifts
    Sequence (illogically applied to something preceding the Alleluia)
    Place of Reservation
  • francis
    Posts: 10,709
    ya know what? hell has a gathering space
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    What's wrong with sequence?