Need music for Extraordinary Form solemn baptism
  • I really need a copy of the music for Extraordinary Form solemn baptism, Psalms 99 and 22, I believe. Does anyone know where I can find these hymns? Thanks.
  • The 1964 Weller Rituale Romanum says:

    The procession then makes its way to the baptistery. In a solemn baptism the organ may be played and hymns sung at this time. See the special music supplement for the voice and organ parts for the text given below.

    Psalm 99

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    P: Sing joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; serve the Lord with gladness; * come before Him singing for joy.

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    P: Know that the Lord is God. He made us, we belong to Him, * we are His people, the sheep He tends.

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    P: Enter His gates, giving thanks. Enter His courts with praise; * give thanks to Him and bless His name.

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    P: Indeed, the Lord is good; His kindness endures forever; * He is faithful from age to age.

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    P: Give glory to the Father in heaven, to His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, * to the Spirit who dwells in our hearts.

    All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.

    Psalm 22

    P: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. * In verdant pastures He gives me repose.

    All: Beside restful waters He leads me * He refreshes my soul.

    P: He guides me in right paths * for His name's sake.

    All: Even though I walk in the dark valley * I fear no evil; for you are at my side

    P: With your rod and your staff * that give me courage.

    All: You spread the table before me * in the sight of my foes;

    P: You anoint my head with oil; * my cup overflows.

    All: Only goodness and kindness follow me * all the days of my life;

    P: And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord * for years to come.

    All: Glory be to the Father.

    P: As it was in the beginning.

    Does anyone know anything about this? I need it for a solemn baptism in a few weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • I don't know the texts you posted, but the Rituale Romanum gives the antiphon Effúndam * super vos aquam mundam, et mundabímini ab ómnibus iniquinaméntis vestris, dicit Dominus with Psalm 8 Dómine, Dóminus noster, 28 Afférte Dómino, fílii Dei and 41 Quemádmodum desíderat cervus for the baptism of adults. (Rit. Rom. tit. ii c. 4) You can find it here on page 20.
  • Thank you so much!!
  • The texts I posted I believe are from Fr. Weller's 3-volume 1964 Rituale Romanum translation. I can't afford a copy at the moment, so I can't be sure; however, it is online at I was just wondering if anyone had a copy of those hymns/psalms. Thanks again, for your help.
  • So, after a bit more digging, it seems that there is a musical supplement to Fr. Weller's 3-volume Rituale Romanum published by the Bruce Publishing Company. Has anyone ever seen this, or does anyone have a copy? Any help would be enormously appreciated! Thanks.
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    The '64 Rituale is rather...60s-ish (check it the "And also with you"). I think that the music that was contemplated is likely the Gelineau settings of these texts that were popular at the time, not Gregorian Chant.
  • Ah, thanks Robert. That would actually explain much.
  • Okay, so I just got a 1961 Collectio Rituum, and all it says is that hymns may be sung by all during the entrance into the Church on the way to the baptistry. Does anyone have good suggestions? I'd prefer chant. Would the Litany of the Saints or Sicut cervus work? Any thanks is, once again, greatly appreciated!
  • The antiphon "Omnes qui in Christo"- "All you who have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ", page 61 in the GRADUALE ROMANUM (1974), with the suggested psalm verses seems like it would fit the bill perfectly.
  • Thanks, Jeffrey.
  • I'm trying to get things ready for our child's Baptism before they are born, and the question of chant/hymns has come up. Besides "Omnes qui in Christo" (which seems like a perfect choice, given that it uses the same text as that of a well known Byzantine baptismal hymn), what other options are out there?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Since you posted here, I assume it will be in the Extraordinary Form?
  • Yes. Sorry, I failed to mention.
  • Is there anything in the rubrics of the traditional rite that prohibits the chanting of the prayers by the priest (or of the Creed by all)?
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I don't find anything on chanting in my Collectio Rituum, but it's my understanding that everything is traditionally spoken. As far as other options for music, we also used the tract "Sicut cervus" and the antiphon "Omnes sitientes, venite ad aquas: quaerite Dominum, dum invenire potest, alleluia."