The procession then makes its way to the baptistery. In a solemn baptism the organ may be played and hymns sung at this time. See the special music supplement for the voice and organ parts for the text given below.
Psalm 99
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
P: Sing joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; serve the Lord with gladness; * come before Him singing for joy.
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
P: Know that the Lord is God. He made us, we belong to Him, * we are His people, the sheep He tends.
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
P: Enter His gates, giving thanks. Enter His courts with praise; * give thanks to Him and bless His name.
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
P: Indeed, the Lord is good; His kindness endures forever; * He is faithful from age to age.
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
P: Give glory to the Father in heaven, to His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, * to the Spirit who dwells in our hearts.
All: Arise, come to your God, * sing Him your songs of rejoicing.
Psalm 22
P: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. * In verdant pastures He gives me repose.
All: Beside restful waters He leads me * He refreshes my soul.
P: He guides me in right paths * for His name's sake.
All: Even though I walk in the dark valley * I fear no evil; for you are at my side
P: With your rod and your staff * that give me courage.
All: You spread the table before me * in the sight of my foes;
P: You anoint my head with oil; * my cup overflows.
All: Only goodness and kindness follow me * all the days of my life;
P: And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord * for years to come.
All: Glory be to the Father.
P: As it was in the beginning.
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