Propers Mass for Peace and Justice - Day of Penance and Prayer?
  • sparky
    Posts: 1
    I was wondering if anyone knew what propers to do for this particular Mass (no. 14 of "masses for Various Needs and Occasions"). We're doing this Mass as a remembrance of Roe v. Wade and I'd really like to do them, but I have no idea if the music is available.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    If there isn't a prescribed set of propers for the day, you could take the propers for a votive Mass for peace and justice. They are listed in the 1974 Graduale Romanum on p. 653:

    IN Da pacem, Domine, sustinentibus te
    GR Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel
    or Laetatus sum
    AL Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum
    or Qui posuit fines tuos pacem
    OF Laudate Dominum quia benignus est
    CO Beati mundo corde, with verses from Ps 33
    or Iustus Dominus, et iustitias dilexit
    or Pacem meam do vobis, alleluia (except in Lent)

    The propers "for any necessity", listed on the same page, seem appropriate too:

    IN Exsurge, quare obdormis, Domine?
    or: Salus populi ego sum
    GR Liberasti nos, Domine
    or: Salvum fac servum tuum
    AL Propitius esto, Domine
    or: Venite ad me, omnes
    OF: Domine Deus, salutis meae
    or: Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis
    CO Memento verbi tui servo tuo
    or: Petite et accipietis