Did anyone else notice...
  • An absolute acceptance of the revised Missal congregational responses that are so in accord with the celebrational orations, sung or recited? Almost miraculous out here! No prompting, no tepid apologies or explanations offered, just noble simplicity unfolded.
    Four Masses thus far: Vigil, Midnight, two Day- and ne're an "and also with you." Same for the confession, Nicene Creed and Non dignus. Amazing. And the Prefaces and EP's, our guys have awakened mightily.
    I'm stunned with joy keying this on m' phone before our last Mass.
    This was truly nativity.
    A very bless-ed Christmas to our CMAA family.
    Puer natus est nobis! Et
    Soli Deo Gloria!
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,185
    Me, too. Was absolutely amazed at the responses, both sung and spoken.

    "Houston, we have NO problem here."
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,939
    The pastor had worried for some many months that the revisions would be a problem for the congregation. The people started singing/saying the new texts the first Sunday of Advent, as if they had been doing them for years.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,500
    And like most things choral, a momentum of accustomed speakers carried along the less skilled.

    (This is one of the secrets to the success of the Colloquium, I believe.)
  • You know, Sis, I gotta say this was a distinctly different phenom. W and I cantored two of the five and we don't swallow the microphone to cue in "...and WIIIIITTTTHHHH your spirit." etc. And one has to remember a couple of things: 1. universally, these weekend saw a ton of twice a year folk and visitors; and 2. we did the inaugural Christmas Vigil (ergo Christmas Mass) at the new parish building and there were tons of folks whom we've never seen since the parish opened late August. They missed not a beat. I tell ya, it was quite something.
    I'm sure the nabobs at other blogs, hmmm I wonder which one, profiled here, will offer up a rational explanation, nee Darwinian or Alinskyian.
    Don't care, like you said when you first got your Missal and read through it, God in the details. Hallelujah.
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    Totally different experience here, Charles. The twice-a-years were out in full force and had no clue.

    There was a funny moment at the Midnight Mass, though:

    Right before the Gospel. "The Lord be with you." "And (also) with (you) your spirit." In the moment of silence after it, you hear one guy say, " ___ d___ it!" At least he knew what he did!
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    We ran into a little trouble with the new solemn tones vs the simple tones with the dialog (sol me sol vs sol fah sol). Our parish usually does fine with the simple tones, we use them frequently, but when we tried using the solemn tones, about half did it right, and about half went with the simple tone. But other than the solemn/simple tone slip-ups, it went very well here. And of course, everyone embraced the changes, and sang the gloria with vigor!
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,500
    Oh gosh, Chaz, I didn't mean bossy cantors or anything. It was more grass-roots than that here. The low ecclesial rumble that carried the day was the new translation, either from practice or from pew cards. The pips did a good job!