Manuale O.C.D.: Looking for Chant and Ritual of the Discalced Carmelite
  • Would anyone know of a digital copy of the Rituale Carmelitanum?
    The title page begins: "Manuale seu Rituale Carmelitanum ad usum Fratrum Ordinis Discalceatorum Beatissimaw V. Mariae de Monte Carmelo. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae 1931 (is this particular edition)."

    This would be a huge help in preserving the Carmelite liturgical heritage.
    We've started learning the Mass Propers (SEP) and the Traditional Ordinaries and it'd be nice to learn our own stuff.

    God Reward You.
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    You can buy it here for not too much money.

    If you're looking for music particularly, I wouldn't expect there to be a lot in that particular book (though the Rituale Romano-Seraphicum does have a fair amount).
  • You might try contacting the Carmel in Lake Elmo, MN. I remember meeting a Brother from there at the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars conference back in 2006 that was working diligently to restore the Carmelite Rite.