Could anyone tell me where I might find Organ accompaniment for the Rorate Caeli? I've been trying to write my own and it's not sounding good.
Also, is it licit to use the same Introit, Offertory, and Communion Antiphons every day of the Christmas Octave? If so, are there specific ones? Would there be common ones for seasons?
The organ accompaniment can be found on pages 6-8 of the 1939? Bragers Chant Service Book (No. 1004, McLauglin & Reilly ). Unfortunately, my scanner is not working.
The Westminster Hymnal has a pretty good arrangement. I've used it a couple of times. But I can't find any better than Nova Organi Harmonia! (see attached)
Thank you so very much! That accompaniment IS very beautiful! I'm surprised I didn't find that on the CCWatershed website, I guess I was expecting it in the Lelande section.
For the Ordinary Form, the Graduale prescribes propers for: Dec 26 (St Stephen) Dec 27 (St John the Apostle) Dec 28 (Holy Innocents) Dec 29 (St Thomas Becket) Dec 30 (Holy Family, this year) Dec 31 (St. Sylvester)
Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
The Liber Usualis suggests using it as a prayer during exposition before Benediction during Advent. This is where it is found in the book. This is, however, just a suggestion by the editors.
Thanks to all who discussed this! I really appreciate having an accompanied version of Rorate Coeli for Advent IV.
FYI there is an English translation - among other places - in the hymnal section of the "Christian Prayer" book for the Liturgy of the Hours #62 in the 1976 version. As much as the Latin is beautiful and preferred, I'm happy to just introduce the hymn in English and then work my way to Latin chant.
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