• francis
    Posts: 10,882
    OK... who has the dope on the content of this hymnal? How much truly good music is in there?
  • Uh, Francis, this worship aide, whether BB or MI is a dead letter.
    Do you mean the Mayan year?
    And...I so hesitate... what's the point of rehashing a great deal of obvious and systematic editorial decisions on the part of the OCP board? As someone who's dealt with OCP since the seventies, I can tell you that my impression is that MR3 has had a measured effect upon the content of MI/BB 2012; if nothing else, less literally new content. They, unfortunately, did not choose wisely to lose the detritus of what those insipid response sheets must indicate are "popular" and LIKED by the non-cognescenti masses, thus depriving space for some of their own virtually excellent copyrit pieces, much less stuff we LIKE.
    Do we need another Mouse Hunt? OCP is a BUSINESS!
    What part of that is difficult to understand or contend with? I've done so quite well for freakin' decades.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Well, I am just preparing myself since I have NEVER used it and might find it in the pew at some point in time. That's all.
  • NEVER?!?
    Kudos to you for your good fortune. I'll buy you a bottle of White Zin in SLC!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Yes, NEVER... and I would like to keep my record clean, but I fear the future may hold other designs. I have always had Worship. Here we have WLP and that is not too bad except for the alt hyrmns. (FYI, I have coined this new term (actually my wife, but don't ever mention that I said so) hyrmn which refers to de-neutered God language.)
  • "Hyrmns", I love it.
    Fuerchte dich nicht, Francis meiner Freund! Remember, we can make plans....if we want to make God chuckle.
    Have a great and fearless thanksgiving, say hello to VP Cheney for us; tell him I miss him so.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    My Dear Charles:

    A very happy Thanksgiving to you, (and to all my our dear CMAA members out in cyberland!) I ain't going outside!!! Dick might be huntin' turkeys and I have enough problems saving face as it is!

    Fear? "The Lord is my light and my salvation. Who shall I fear? Of whom then shall I be afraid?"
  • Perhaps the biggest problem with OCP is that the publishing house neglectd to include the ICEL chants in the United in Christ Missallettes and accompanying song book. They put in Bob Hurd's bilingual Mass parts as the default setting. AARRRGH!
  • BG, to be fair,
    OCP only made that mistake with Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ hymnal (and NOT the same Missal, interestingly.)
    BB and MI, the ICEL is the default, which we did chant yesterday.
  • Charles, all we have is UIC down here. I believe that I qualified my statement by only mentioning these two publications. In any event, why Bob Hurd's setting is their default is beyond me.
  • My regrets.
    We have installed UIC at three of our four parishes at the pastor's request. I wouldn't have it at the MotherShip. I've spent twenty years building a solid English repertoire.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, of course. It's all they have down in Texas, apparently. :-/

    (Or wait, maybe it's United In Christ.)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Do you mean the Colllegeville?
  • What? No, I mean the one I linked to: Unidos En Cristo / United In Christ, from OCP.