More Introit Hymns--Felipe Gasper
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Infrequent contributor to this forum, Felipe Gasper, passed these off to me a number of years ago. He's been sitting on them for quite a while, until I finally brow-beat him into sharing them:

    Introit hymns for Advent.

    I took the psalm verses from Brady and Tate (online), with some modifications, and removed “thou” - thankfully, this didn’t cause problems.

    Sung either to VENI EMMANUEL or CONDITOR ALME.

    ADVENT 1

    ANTIPHON (Ps. 25):
    To You, O God, I lift my soul:
    Let not my foes put me to shame.
    Let no disgrace or scorn attend
    Those who, O Lord, trust in Your name.

    To me, O Lord, Your truth impart,
    and lead me in Your righteous way;
    For You are my salvation, Lord,
    On You I wait all through the day.

    Your mercies and Your wondrous love,
    O Lord, forever bear in mind;
    And graciously continue still,
    as You were ever, good and kind.

    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
    To God we sing now and again;
    From now unto eternity,
    With all the heav’nly host. Amen.

    ADVENT 2

    ANTIPHON (cf. Is. 30:19,30, Ps. 80):
    O Zion’s people, God shall come:
    All earth shall know His glorious voice.
    The Lord will come and save His flock;
    Your hearts shall truly then rejoice.

    O Israel’s Shepherd, Joseph’s Guide,
    Our prayers to You vouchsafe to hear;
    You who do on the cherubs ride,
    Again in solemn state appear.

    Behold, how Benjamin expects,
    with Ephraim and Manasseh joined,
    In our delv’rance, the effects
    of Your resistless strength to find.

    dox. & ant.

    ADVENT 3

    ANTIPHON (Phil. 4:4-6; Ps. 85):
    Rejoice in God, again, rejoice!
    Your kindness shall all men declare.
    The Lord is near: be still, give thanks
    Unto your God who hears your prayer.

    Lord, You have granted to Your land
    the favors that mankind implored,
    And faithful Jacob’s captive race
    have You now graciously restored.

    Your people’s sins You have absolved,
    and all their guilt have now defaced;
    You have not let Your wrath flame on,
    nor let Your fearsome anger last.

    dox. & ant.

    ADVENT 4

    ANTIPHON (Is. 45:8; Ps. 19):
    Like dew from heav’n, let justice come,
    O let it rain down from the skies!
    The earth shall open, all shall see;
    Our glorious Savior shall arise.

    The heav’ns declare Your glory, Lord,
    Which all creation could not fill;
    The firmament and stars express
    Their great Creator's glorious skill.

    The dawn of each returning day
    fresh beams of wondrous knowledge brings;
    From darkest night’s successive rounds
    Divine instruction surely springs.

    dox. & ant.


    ANTIPHON (Is. 61:10, Ps. 30):
    In God is all my soul’s delight.
    He clothed me with salvation’s love
    And wrapped me, like a bride adorned,
    With truth and justice from above.

    I shall proclaime Your praises, Lord,
    Who did Your wondrous pow’r employ
    To raise up my sore drooping head,
    And check my foes’ insulting joy.

    In my distress, I cried to You,
    Who kindly did my grief relieve,
    And from the grave’s expecting jaws
    My hopeless life from there retrieve.

    dox. & ant.

    (I believe he has more for the church year; I'll try to shake them out of him.)
  • Whoa, Heath....whole new ballgame, awesome.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    Very cool!!!

    We could certainly use these!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Dear Felipe:
    Do You have any of these for Lent of this year?
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Ash Wednesday (Misereris omnium--2 versions):

    Your mer-cy, Lord, ex-tends to all;
    you do not cast your own a-way.
    O God, you o-ver-look our sins
    and teach us to re-pent and pray.

    Your mer-cy, Lord, ex-tend to me;
    on your pro-tec-tion I de-pend,
    And to thy wing for shel-ter haste,
    ’til this op-pres-sive storm shall end.

    And Lent 4 and 5 attached; of the files he sent me, I didn't see Lent 2 or 3.
  • patm
    Posts: 3
    I notice on the Lenten ones that he has a copyright notice; what do we have to do to be able to use the Advent ones? Those are just what I've been looking for...
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    patm, I'll check with him, but to the best of my knowledge, you can go for it; if he says otherwise, I'll let you know . . .
  • Hi all,

    Feel free to use these however, though I would appreciate an attribution. Should anyone want to compile the various hymns etc. that are appearing on this forum, I am more than happy to have my work included there.

    There are others…Maundy Thursday, a few assorted Ordinary Time Sundays, Body & Blood, I think Trinity, Sacred Heart…

    I came up with most of them at my last parish, but where I am now (Our Lady of Walsingham, Houston, TX) actually does the introit in *addition* to an entrance/processional hymn, so there’s no real need for these there.

    Incidentally, I also have the entire Sunday cycle of Communion antiphons set to new music and psalm-tone verse chants, à la the James Biery collections that MorningStar publishes. I think some of them turned out pretty well. I used Grail 1 for the texts; I don’t know what copyright would have to say about my sharing those, but if copyright can be worked out, I’m very willing to share those as well.
  • And, thank you to everyone for the kind comments I am reading here and in the other thread. :)