SEP and the Graduale Romanum
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    Yesterday my schola took a look at next Sunday's introit from both the SEP and the Graduale. I hadn't heard (perhaps I wasn't paying attention) that the SEP is based on the chant itself. It's so simple (simpler than the Sacred Music Project, which takes a similar tack), yet not a Rossini treatment of any kind. It's chant, but English, and simple. Really well done!
  • It preserves the mode and works within the tonal skeleton of the original, sometimes adding known embellishments.
  • I must say that, for a non-music reader such as myself, the SEP is simple! Granted, I listen to the tutorials several times before I can get it right, but, once I've been able to nail it and take it down a notch for my voice, it really does help.

    By the way, we are now in our ninth week of using the SEP at my dad's parish.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Write with future readers in mind.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    I've been overjoyed that our chant Mass has been using the SEP heavily. These are simple, beautiful, and such a welcome change to the typical hymn sandwich! Boy, I wish I'd had these years ago.
  • well, yes. I mean, it is a bloody outrage that this is the first widely available book in 50 years!
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    LOL, Jeffrey! So true though...