State of the situation in your diocese
  • Mike R
    Posts: 106
    Adam Wood's comment about studying regional variations in Church music style in the "Music is depressing" thread got me thinking...but that thread has gone so many different directions that I figured I should start a new one.

    I'm not asking what the state of your diocese is in regard to new Mass settings - I think we've covered that in other threads. I'm wondering what the typical breakdown is in a diocese among the different publishers (or lack of use of publishers). From my limited experience, it typically seems that GIA is used more in urban areas, while OCP has a virtual monopoly in rural parishes, but I'd just like to get some comments of people guessing the breakdowns in their dioceses.

    Also, how many parishes are planning to make shifts away from what they're using currently?

    My diocese is almost 100% OCP. I'm almost positive that there is only one parish that uses GIA (Gather), and only one more traditional parish that I know uses WLP. We use Liturgical Press, along with a couple of tiny rural parishes and the Little Sisters of the Poor (I presume because of the large print). One parish has OCP but has begun using the Simple English Propers as well, so it would not surprise me if that pastor makes a change for next year. Other than him, I do not see any other parishes changing away from OCP (though a number of priests who have visited us have had a positive reaction to LitPress).

    The diocese where I grew up (Belleville) is almost identical. It has a slightly larger urban area, so there may be some GIA parishes in the St. Louis metro-east, but every parish I've ever actually been to uses OCP. My home parish shifted from a combination of WLP's Seasonal Missalette and rarely-used copies of Glory & Praise to OCP in the early to mid-90s (though, ironically, they still almost always use the Edward Connor Pope Paul VI Mass Gloria, despite the music for it not being in the pews for nearly 20 years - and this in a very transient community!).
  • I know there are a number of parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle that have moved away from OCP (or, like us, are about to). However, I do think the majority of parishes are still holding fast to OCP. With that said, I can't imagine any of us really expect a mass exodus from OCP. This is a little-by-little effort.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    My parish has used RitualSong for years. When I visit other parishes, I usually see Gather Reprehensive in the hymn racks.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    My one parish, which has excellent music, uses Ritual Song. The other uses the OCP subscription, but I'm guessing with the new pastor, that might be going out the door sooner or later. I would immagine it's not an "if" question, it's a "when" question.
  • mhjell
    Posts: 32
    My parish uses WLP Seasonal Missalette (standard text edition) currently and has ordered the Vatican II Hymnal to replace it. As single parish + mission in the county, we probably fit the rural parish description. Diocese of Charlotte, NC.
  • Here is what I have noticed in the Cleveland Diocese:

    It mostly follows what Mike observed, the closer to downtown the parish is, the more likely you are to find GIA. Almost every parish that uses GIA has the green Gather hymnal, with a few exceptions. Nearly every suburban parish uses OCP as do most rural parishes. The WLP Seasonal Missalettes (my personal favorite) are scattered around the diocese. I would say:

    Breaking Bread or Today's Missal- 80%
    GIA Gather Comp.- 10%
    Seasonal Missalette- 5%

    Other books I have seen in the pews:
    Journeysongs 2- 1 semi-rural parish
    GIA Worship III- Found in a couple parishes, but not the primary hymnal
    GIA Gather Comp. 2- 1 parish (I think)

    If I remember anything else, I will post here.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    I have experience in Wisconsin. Here's my anecdotal evidence:

    Diocese of Superior (mostly rural; small towns; 3 moderate-small cities)
    --I have not seen any parish which does not use OCP. 100% OCP.

    Diocese of Madison (rural; small towns; urban--a good mix)
    --It seems most places use Gather Comprehensive (either green or mauve). I've also seen a fair amount of RitualSong. Not much OCP, but I haven't been to most of the rural parishes. They could very easily be using OCP.

    Archdiocese of Milwaukee (lots of urban parishes; small towns; rural)
    --My parish uses Worship III & the thin, blue Gather. I'm in charge of music, so we rarely use the Gather book. Solid hymnody and Rice's Simple Choral Gradual. I'll be starting some Latin chant + motets before the end of the year--wish me luck!

    I've seen a fair amount of GIA influence (again, in the urban parishes). Most of them using Gather Comprehensive. The parishes which have a large Latino population seem to go with OCP, regardless of their location.

    Your mileage may vary...
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    WLP here in my church, but the rest of Wyoming is most likely OCP.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    OCP here in Hudson, Wisconsin, with no hint yet of doing any form of chant or polyphony - so depressing. Better luck across the river in Minnesota.
  • Partial view of the situation in the Madison Diocese.
  • Powell, WY is still firmly stuck on OCP, though Cody has moved to the Collegeville Hymnal (not sure what publishing company that is).
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    I wonder if that was a result of speaking with the priest who leads the Latin mass there back at the institute in Cheyene as he asked my opinion of hymnals then, if it was the same priest I am thinking of.
  • Elizabeth, that would be Liturgical Press in Minnesota.