Rhythm in Lauda Sion
  • Aga
    Posts: 38
    I am trying to analyze rhythm of the sequence Lauda Sion according to Solesmes method.
    So, we have the following part: Laudis thema specialis, Panis vivus et vitalis.
    Where do you think ictuses should be placed (and why)?
    My idea is: Lau-|dis the-|ma spe-ci-|a-a-|a-a-|lis Pa-|nis vi-|vus et |vi-ta-|lis.
    [here | - is a sign of the ictus on the next neuma]
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    What you have done looks good, as it conforms with the guidelines given in the Liber Usualis, p. xxix: if other methods fail, we should place the episema "1. Either by counting back two by two, starting from the last certain ictus of each section" (which you have done in the second line "Panis vivus et vitalis") and "2. or by following the melody, and preferring, first the endings of the words, secondly the accented syllables, while avoiding as much as possible the weak penultimae syllables" which you have followed in the 2nd line ("Panis vivus et vitalis").

    Sam Schmitt