Trouble choosing a new Mass setting
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    I would like to choose a completely new Mass setting, not a revision of any of the current Mass settings. Planning on introducing only a new Gloria, Holy, and Memorial while using settings we already know for the parts of the Mass that are not changing. Have sort of narrowed it down to Mass of Grace (Stafford/WLP) and Mass of Joy and Peace (Alonso/GIA). I prefer Mass of Grace because I believe it most closely resembles chant and thus would be preferred by the Church, but the melodies of the other are pleasing (albeit "worldly") and not at all stemming from chant. I know my congregation would prefer the Alonso setting, but I think I should give them the Stafford Mass. Perhaps I can use both, but which one to start with? Anyone else struggling in the choice of a new setting?
  • There's been a lot of positive buzz about the Stafford, it just didn't float my boat to the top.
    We've processed over the summer and started last week. If you're wanting to emulate chant with a presumably chant-resistant choir/congregation I might suggest:

    Missa Simplex-Proulx; not glamorous, but is worthy and extremely user friendly, nice accompaniment.
    Mass of Charity and Love-Warner; a real sleeper among the ones touted. Mensurate chant with sweet/simple descants.
    Mass...St. Ralph Sherwin-Ostrowski: flat out gorgeous, but will take the congregation a while to absorb.
    MR3 Mass-Chris Mueller; a choral delight, but flexible for any situation, real art meets liturgy.
    ICEL: a must learn, accompanied or otherwise. Keep it flowing and beautifully sung and it'll fly.
    Local choice: Mass of St. Therese Little Flower-Royce Nickel, CCW; just great, noble simplicity Catholic beauty.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    +1 to Charles' list.

    If you're planning to do a contemporary-styled setting, Bolduc's Mass of St. Ann should win-out over the Alonso setting.
    If you're planning to do a chant-like setting, I don't see any reason not to at least start with the ICEL (Missal Chant) setting.
    If you're trying to move toward increased solemnity, and avoid contemporary styles, but can't quite get to chant yet, check out the Psallite Setting.

    And (because I can't help myself...), I have a setting as well you might like...
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    Pardon my ignorance, but "ICEL" refers to the chant found in the Roman Missal, correct? I've been considering that as well.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Yes, the ICEL chants are the ones that are found in the new Missal. You can also find them here, and in many other places, and some accompaniments (if necessary) can be found on this website and forum.
  • I'm listening to the 9/11 Memorial Mass at St. Patrick's right now. They used the Missa Simplex for most of the parts. It sounded good; I'm sure the assembly picks it up very quickly.
  • What site is hosting the audio for the mass?
  • I was listening on the Catholic Channel on SiriusXM.

    And it looks like it will be re-broadcast today on EWTN at 4 p.m. and 12 midnight ET.