Free to use or save: Pater Noster GBAC
  • I needed this recently, so I had to write it out. I'm sure others might want it sooner or later for this or that project, so here it is:

    name:Pater Noster, with Introduction;
    (c3)Præ(e)cept(f)is(f) sa(f)lu(f)ta(f)ribus(f) mo(f)ni(e)ti,(e.) et(e) di(f)vin(g)a(g) in(g)sti(g)tu(g)ti(g)on(g)e(f) for(g)ma(f)ti,(e.) aud(f)e(ef)mus(g) di(fg)ce(f)re.(f.) (:) (z)

    Pa(e)ter(f) nos(g)ter,(g.) (,) qui(f) es(h) in(g) cæ(f)lis:(e.) (;) san(f)cti(e)fi(f)cet(g)ur(fe) no(ef)men(g) tu(f)um:(gf.) (:) ad(g)ven(h)i(g)at(g) reg(f)num(g) tu(f)um:.(e) (;) fi(g)at(g) vol(f)un(g)tas(f) tu(f)a,(e.) (;) si(f)cut(e) in(f) cæ(g)lo,(fe) (,) et(ef) in(g) ter(fg)ra.(f.) (:) Pan(e)em(f) nos(g)trum(g) co(g)ti(f)di(g)a(h)num(g.) (,) da(g) no(f)bis(g) ho(f)di(e)e,(e.) (:) et(f) di(e)mi(f)tte(g) no(h)bis(g) de(g)bi(f)ta(g) no(f)stra,(e.) (;) si(f)cut(e) et(f) nos(g) di(f)mit(g)ti(f)mus(f) de(e)bi(f)tor(g)i(f)bus(e) nos(f.)tris;(f.) (:) Et(c) ne(e) nos(f) in(f)du(g)cas(f) in(f) ten(f)ta(e)ti(f)on(fe)em:(e.) (:) Sed(e) li(f)ber(f)a(f) nos(f) a(g) ma(fe)lo.(e.) (::)

    please tell me if anything is incorrect.
  • deleted post
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Haven't inspected it at all, but thanks for doing the job!
  • It was done fairly quickly, so I edited the above post and made a few changes and corrections (mainly missed dots and quarter bars, and I think one spelling thing).

    This was my source, btw.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Here's one I did a couple of years back, with accent marks on some of the accented vowels as is conventional, and with slightly different markup:

    name: Pater noster;
    (c3) Pa(e)ter(f) nos(g)ter,(g_') (,) qui(f) es(h) in (g) cæ(f)lis:(e.) (;)
    san(f)cti(e)fi(f)cé(g)tur(fe) no(ef)men(g) tu(fg)um;(f.) (:)
    ad(g)vé(h)ni(g)at(g) ré(f)gnum(g) tu(f)um;(e.) (;)
    fi(g)at(g) vo(f)lún(g)tas(f) tu(f)a,(e.) (;)
    sic(f)ut(e) in(f) cæ(g)lo(fe) (,) et(ef) in(g) ter(fg)ra.(f) (:)
    Pa(e)nem(f) no(g)strum(g) co(g)ti(f)di(g)á(h)num(g_') (,) da(g) no(f)bis(g) hó(f)di(e)e;(e.) (:)
    et(f) di(e)mit(f)te(g) no(h)bis(g') dé(g)bi(f)ta(g) no(f)stra,(e.) (;)
    sic(f)ut(e) et(f) nos(g) di(f)mít(g)ti(f)mus(f_') de(e)bi(f)tó(g)ri(f)bus(e) no(f)stris;(f.) (:)
    et(c) ne(e) nos(f) in(f)dú(g)cas(f') in(f) ten(f)ta(e)ti(f)ó(fe)nem;(e.) (:)
    sed(e) lí(f)be(f)ra(f) nos(f) a(g) ma(fe)lo.(e.) (::)
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114

    Yours is very good. I'm going to use that on a project of mine, if you don't mind...

    I'm glad this thread started. I just happen to need a gbac of the Pater noster...
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    If you make any improvements, please post them here too.
  • silly me, i didn't add any quarter bars to the introduction. Here it is, all fixed up.

    name:Pater Noster, with Introduction;
    (c3)Præ(e)cept(f)is(f) sa(f)lu(f)ta(f)ribus(f) mo(f)ni(e)ti,(e.) (;) et(e) di(f)vin(g)a(g) in(g)sti(g)tu(g)ti(g)on(g)e(f) for(g)ma(f)ti,(e.) (;) aud(f)e(ef)mus(g) di(fg)ce(f)re.(f.) (::)