A last gasp from someone in the Vatican
  • I was a young Evangelical when the controversy over 'dynamic equivalence' broke out. I don't need to tell anyone hear that I realized immediately that that gave translators the right to do anything, and they did. I was raised using the King James or the hyper-literal New American Standard, for a while the preferred translation of Fudamentalists, and am I blessed that I did. During the funeral of the Bl. John Paul II, the ABC commentator admitted to George Weigel, I think it was, that he was Presybyterian. He was reading the translation of the Mass using the insipid New American (the Catholic one, not Standard), and when he got to Psalm 23, he read few lines, and then burst out, 'Or, as we used to say, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters." I almost reached through the TV screen to hug him.

    Below is obituary in L'Osservator Romano for Eugene Nida, the man who brought us what Fr. Neuhaus dubbed the 'Bible Babel." Interestingly, the Google Translate version is quite literal. Ironic.

    Couldn't get links to carry over from my open source word processor. Will redo when I get to the office.

    L'Osservatore Romano



